Exit P1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Happy to see their pop-up store at the ground floor of Megabox, and so are the staff and the residents in the Kowloon bay neighbourhood. There was a queue during lunch hour and stock is running fast.I bought my first Panettone for this year, and has already finished it before December has arrived LoL. The lemon and orange flavored one is filled with small pieces of dried fruits and chocolate.The six grain bread is full of different kind of grains, like oats, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. So, the bread is very big and heavy, but it costs $48 only! It took a family of four to finish it for breakfast. C’est bon marche! A very health choice for breakfast at a very reasonable price, since those fluffy small bread sold at the chained stores usually cost at least $10 too. And now this six grain bread could feed a family and found it very fulfilling!
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見到係Megabox展銷本身對酒店出品 抱觀望態度但個樣咁吸引 始終忍唔住都係要試試款式算多 到3點鐘麵包較多多款口味既croissant 都賣哂咁濟好彩4點左右會補貨今日有幸試多幾款N.PEACH DANISH $45半個原隻日本水蜜桃鮮嫩冇渣 大大啖唔會太漏 又鬆脆PAIN AU CHOCOLATE $28普普通通 反而冇咩特別較厚底 不過都算多朱古力夾心 BANANA CROISSANT $30 店員推介香蕉吉士夾心切開爆醬 好誇張果然足料3款入面算係比較甜既一款
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響社交媒體見到 Shangri-La Hotel 攪左個deli Kool pop-up , 人氣即爆升。下午來到,幾款打咭名物都已賣光。不過都吾緊要,還有很多不同選擇。Pastries 超多,真令人眼花撩亂,終於帶左兩件回家。當晚先試左超重手Almond croissant $28牛角包鋪滿脆杏仁片,杏仁果醬,包身相當有質感,密度高,牛油味重,超香脆亦夠飽肚。選擇Raspberry muffin$25肯定係比佢嘅顏色吸引,在沒有翻熱的情況下吃,較軟琳;內裡夠濕潤。味道酸酸甜甜,不會死甜,整體來講系吾錯嘅,如果要鷄蛋裡挑骨頭,會嫌咬到太多種籽,咬到卜卜聲。
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由朝到下午食太多,晚餐(第5餐)食返大量菜就算.......而其實係想食埋呢個係九龍香格里拉買既呢個Raisin danish $30好多年前既一次旅行,早餐食過Raisin danish呢樣野之後就鍾意左,不過以前唔會成日想食甜野就好少會買。唔知係咪經歷會改變一個人既口味,依家成日都想食甜野😗講返呢個先今次買既呢個先!好食!口感係我鍾意個隻,咬落去有dd軟綿綿😍提子好食,而且整體唔甜!可以再試其他或者下次經高再買!!IG : f.nbreak
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