3-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
一開始比呢間野裝修吸引左入到去全部都係火烈鳥嘅擺設而且充滿着粉紅嘅感覺, 環境嘅氣氛相當唔錯亦都有唔少網紅喺度打卡影相,嘢飲方面冇乜驚喜平平無奇 貪新鮮試吓都仲可以接受嘅但如果要追求味道嘅話就真係唔太特別喇不過呢度嘅裝修的確係可以吸引到好多人,而且呢個地方都好適合一大班同學聚會傾計,而且價錢唔算特別貴享受下氣氛都值得嘅,但味道就唔需要抱太大期望啦總括來講不過不失啦。
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好少咁樣講一間鋪頭但係呢間鋪頭真係不了! 之前成日見到好多朋友喺社交網站打卡都係影呢隻粉紅色嘅雀 今次有幾位外國朋友返咗嚟香港諗住搵間嘢飲下 經過我哋就入咗去啦 入到去我哋分別叫咗幾杯飲品 飲品嘅價錢一啲都唔平 每杯都要30-40 比其他手搖飲品店略貴 本身諗住咁多人打卡同埋價錢唔平應該都唔會伏 點知飲落去少少果味都冇 基本上淨係飲到茶嘅苦味 叫咗個玫瑰乜乜奶 飲落去玫瑰嘅味道非常之淡 個人覺得呢間飲品同咁多間飲過嘅嘢飲相比 性價比非常之低最搞笑嘅係如果你哋想另一隻粉紅色嘅雀仔打卡係需要另外加錢去買既 令我有啲懷疑呢間鋪頭到底係賣飲品食物定係賣雀仔打卡
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第一次黎尖沙嘴既Flamingo Bloom飲珍珠奶茶,佢同其他茶飲店唔同,係可以堂食,環境好闊落同悠閒,打卡一流。 兩個人點左兩杯野飲同主食。我試左鮮奶珍珠烏龍,杯野飲唔會太甜,亦都有清新既烏龍味,味道中上!主食方面,點左芝士千層麵再加10蚊有蒜香芝士薯條,不過不失,千層麵既芝士都幾濃!
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Saw the new dumplings at Flamingo Bloom on social media but they are only available at this branch.Finally got a chance to come here because I was in TST.Again, there are new drinks on the menu and I missed the melon which I intended to try.They now have deals with K...K too!For the dumplings there is a fried version and steamed version in sauce.Tried both as one is fried.The fried version comes with Thai Sweet chili sauce and it was good that all the dumplings were not oily.The star of the show had to be the dumplings in sauce because it made all the flavours come out and you could taste the meat as well.The sauce was the key that made it so scrummy, especially if you like Sichuan flavours but it was mild so was the garlic which did not overpower the meat.It was so yummy that I wish I had ordered 12.Finished with the basic oolong tea with pearls.I liked the pearls that day because they were nice and al dente with a chew.Definitely will be lured back as they will come up with something else soon!
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🤤厚燒牛油果多士🥪鮮紅蕃茄配上嫩綠既牛油果🥑賣相可以話十分吸引😍牛油果比想像中既多 應該有超過一個既份量👍🏻牛油果Creamy既口感🤩加上咸香味十足既蒜蓉多士🥪十分惹味可口🤤
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