7-min walk from Exit F, Austin MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:00
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Review (18)
翻譯即係「朋友你好」🤣餐廳主打台灣地道手作小食、飲品,裝修用大地色系配上綠色大理石枱,簡約而有格調,仲有包廂卡座,輕紗布簾,雅致安靜🪄淡水老街酥炸海島蠔(4件)鍾意食蠔嘅一定要食😎蠔肉飽滿,烤到外層薄脆,蠔身滑溜creamy,香口不油膩,推薦🪄起司芋泥肉鬆豬排呢個食物有啲驚喜🤣外皮金黃酥脆,入而有芋泥綿滑,配上肉鬆香甜,芝士🧀有拉絲效果,入面仲有各種蔬菜比較健康🪄特色海島蠔滷肉飯平時去台灣都必食滷肉飯!仲有至愛嘅蠔一定要叫🤣簡單好食嘅台式美食,配上兩隻好飽滿蠔不得了,肥瘦適中滷肉滲晒入米飯🪄麻薯芋圓珍珠窩夫個人覺得麻薯好軟糯好食,窩夫🧇夠蛋香,上面有煙靭地瓜芋圓,珍珠,加埋超飽肚超滿足🤣幾重口感滋味配搭🪄麻吉珍珠鮮奶茶台灣必飲系列😎珍珠鮮奶茶味道濃郁醇厚🪄綠豆椰奶沙冰奶蓋夏天真係啱晒。清爽綠豆椰奶沙冰,綠豆嘅清甜配上沙冰舒服🚩Match2 麻吉哩厚廣東道3-27號海港城 港威商場3樓3208號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I only realised it’s a new restaurant that had opened for just a week when I searched OpenRice after visiting.We haven’t been to Harbour City for a while and were looking for new restaurants to try. Saw this Taiwanese restaurant with welcoming décor and nice food shots on their LED screen, and they have tables available, so we went in.The 2-colour Taiwanese night market sausage was nice and as per expectations. The deep-fried mushrooms in salt style had exceeded our expectations. They were presented very hot, and so juicy inside. The deep-fried chicken bites with cuttlefish outer layer with salmon roes on top were excellent as well. The omelette with small oysters was ok. The pork chop with curry veggies inside was creative, while not all of us preferred. The traditional Taiwanese dishes such as beef noodles, which contained 4 large pieces of tender beef and the minced pork rice were nicely done. The bubbles milk tea was good.Too bad we got so full and couldn’t even finish all the savoury items, hence didn’t order the desserts. I was so delighted to see the availability of croffles on their menu. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
店名 ”麻吉哩厚”取自台語諧音「麻吉你好」咁解! 啱晒帶閨蜜一齊試吓台灣菜! 🇹🇼 餐廳以大地色裝修為主, 配上綠色大理石枱面, 睇落好舒服🤎有包箱座位可以一路傾一路食, 享受高私隱度!————————————————食物:❆ 基隆廟口酥炸杏鮑菇海苔 $56Deep fried king oyster mushroom杏鮑菇經過酥炸後外脆內軟, 咬落好脆又充滿海苔既香氣, 係小編比較少見嘅台式小食❆ 美國原隻小牛排麵 $178Beef short rib with bone noodles 牛肉好夠份量🐮肉質鮮嫩, 搭配骨頭帶來更濃郁既風味! 配上吸晒啲湯既麵條, 每一啖都散發住肉汁既香濃鮮美❆ 起司咖喱蔬菜豬排 $88Cheese Curry Vegetable Pork Chop冇乜聽過呢個配搭😯幾有創意! 豬排炸到金黃酥脆, 搭配濃稠既咖喱同蔬菜🥘咖喱唔膩,味道豐富多元!❆ 綠茶椰奶沙冰奶蓋 $48Cheese Milk Cap Matcha 綠茶既苦甜搭配椰奶香濃🥥再加上奶蓋既獨特口感, 飲落清新怡人! 每一啖都帶黎獨特既層次感❆ 手打香橙檸檬茶 $43Orange Lemon Tea 酸酸甜甜好開胃🍊都幾大杯! 清新既口感開胃又滋潤————————————————整體:✦ 價格: 4.3/5✦ 味道: 4.4/5✦ 服務: 4.2/5✦ 環境: 4.4/5✦ 再訪指數: 4.3/5Match2 麻吉哩厚 (尖沙咀)@match2.hk地址:尖沙咀廣東道3-27號海港城港威商場3樓3208號舖營業時間: 星期一至日 11:30-22:00 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-03
麻吉灶咖嘅姊妹店位於海港城,店名係「朋友你好」嘅意思,主打台灣地道手作小食、甜品同飲品。基隆廟口酥炸杏鮑菇海苔 $56食落紫菜味突出,你當係shake shake薯條(菇ver),可以再炸脆多少少。起司咖喱蔬菜豬排 $88豬排香脆,咖喱偏香口唔辣,加埋芝士都幾夾,可惜面頭嘅明太子沙律醬比較突兀,明太子醬同咖喱兩者只能取其一。美國原隻牛小排麵 $178麵條粗身彈牙,相當掛湯,牛小排勁大嚿,軟腍入味,加分位係爽口嘅金針花。綠豆椰奶沙冰奶蓋 $48清爽冰涼嘅沙冰,但椰味唔突出,濃味返少少會更好。手打香橙檸檬茶 $43大杯夾抵飲,茶底清新,加上橙同檸檬,清新之選。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-02
話說已經好一陣子沒吃台灣菜啦😳!! 海港城的餐廳菜系多不聲數,今次就去試試🧡🌟 麻吉灶咖𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝟐 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)啦! 店內環境寬敞舒適,木系裝潢,打卡也不錯呀~【 墨魚滑玉米燒🌽 】爽脆的玉米芯,配上彈牙墨魚滑和鹹蛋碎,口感豐富。【 起司芋泥肉鬆豬扒🐽 】手工豬扒好有特色😍,芝士可以拉絲,加上芋頭,好濃郁的味道呀~【 特色海島蠔滷肉🦪 】滷肉飯超大碗😂,滷肉鹹香入味,蠔肉大大隻呀!【 美國原隻牛小排麵🍜 】超推介這個牛小排麵🔥,牛小排非常軟腍,肉香豐富。麵條彈牙,麻辣味湯底好惹味。【 麻糬芋圓珍珠窩夫🧇 】牛角包窩夫也不錯,麻糬有奶香,芋圓彈牙。食物質素好(*¯︶¯*),服務又好,值得一試~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)