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Additional Information
飲茶時間11:00am - 4:30pm
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room Details
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
水煮龍躉 麻辣蕃茄鍋
Review (10)
Level1 2010-06-12
We have no ideas on this resturants but from the openrice comment. We arrived at 7:30pm and made our orders right away 1. dishes are too salty and the resturant staff did try and taken away2. Too slow for dishes on table, if u are in hurry and no patient too wait, suggest not to try! Besides, seems they have no system in maintaining the orders, we need to chase several times before dishes on table. Indeed, between 7:30~10pm, only 60% table occupied, not full house at all.3. May be one of the reason for above because they are in fact a 任食火鍋, 不是做川菜的4. Air-condition is not enough5. "Citi 信用卡美食優惠: 晚上6點後惠顧滿HK$100或以上,正價食品享9折" This is a FALSE statement, the resturant is not offering 10% discount as post even we are not ordering 正價小菜 6. 2 dishes were cancelled and so average spend was $100/head, not expensive but not worthIf you are expecting to have 四川菜, this resturant would not be a good choice! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-05-20
從未食過咁難食的火鍋, 真系唔講唔舒服, 我總括了7宗罪 :1.點咗個所謂馳名湯底,麻辣拼番茄,完全冇味道2.材料極度不新鮮, 又細碟.手切肥牛,品質奇差3.皇帝菜似系冰櫃羅出嚟,FROZEN咗.4.沒有特價啤酒5.服務很差勁6.泊車超貴,成60蚊7.3男1女食咗9百幾, 好唔底. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-05-14
第一次去係下午茶0係荃灣超抵,虾餃$9.9 其他點心$8.8,唔係將貨就價,食物用料新鮮好食我食左0既都好有質素,其中力推小籠飽夠湯汁夠味最抵死係下午茶果個湯粉面,$26.8揀三個餸,其中我揀左蝦仁,佢真係好似炒小菜果d咁大隻,仲要有三隻,出面賣蝦仁湯面都唔止咁0既價啦!仲有揀山瑚蚌都算大件3件,不過揀左豬肘就失策得三片,另搭西蘭花兩件,牙菜韮菜小量,仲有湯底揀搞到噙晚心思思想去試下打邊爐,(去尖沙咀呢間係就朋友搭車)約埋d friend一齊去,果然亦都好彩冇死錯人!一坐低就叫黎啤酒先,因為冇人要茶,果黎就揀湯揀料,選擇真係唔算上係多,但本人覺得足夠,唯獨係當晚冇蝦食賣晒!用蕃茄湯同皮旦莧茜底,用蕃茄湯0既朋友都話可以唔使點汁醬,ok幾好!皮旦底好正常冇驚喜. 不過之後驚喜黎啦! 服務員送左一碟聲稱係和牛!我同朋友都唔深究,但一致覺得夠林夠牛味,正大致上用料都一致好評,特別有提名0既有和牛脆鯇菜心苗羊肉片臨埋尾服務再送上甜品,係比較少有0既龜靈膏雖然服務員比較少,但環境都幾寬敞,又唔嘈,任點任飲任食,計起黎都係$120@,有咁0既質素我覺得超值,一定冇耐又會去過! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-01-04
週六和大爺去吃四川火鍋, 雖然尖嘴到處都有任吃火鍋,不過以湯底論, 此處可選麻辣和番茄雙拼鍋底,而味碗也可譚魚頭的一樣..大爺好辣,所以還是覺得麻辣不夠辣,我就覺得都幾香. 食物方面選擇不算特別多,但是牛,豬,羊,鴕鳥和墨魚滑等等也是有的.蝦也可以任叫. 包酒水. 也可以加錢叫海鮮如花甲等.環境方面也OK,有卡位,地方都幾闊落.由於當日只有幾桌,所以也不會太吵. 和譚魚頭火鍋比較, 人均消費是譚魚頭的一半,我覺得都幾抵吃. 下次去試試他的小菜.當日另加了 38一斤的花甲,兩人埋單 280,如不另加,應該每人只要不到120. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-11-16
一再對香港的川菜館難以經營下去感到慨嘆, 難得有一間標榜有麻辣火鍋的名川薈出現, 值得一試吧。據說老闆在譚魚頭出身, 所以火鍋的風格也有點接近, 例如附送所謂的「特式味碗」, 倒是幾有心思, 一般人打邊爐只會點辣椒豉油, 這個味碗由幾種香料調味料配成, 加些火鍋中的麻辣湯, 效果還算不錯, 因為個湯真的有麻有辣, 不是掛羊頭賣狗肉那種。不過食物卻是好一般, 大概, 收得「任食火鍋」價錢的緣故, 水準也跟那些一百蚊樓下任飲任食的酒樓火鍋, 不相伯仲。附送的所謂和牛, 真的很有商榷餘地, 而其他食物如安格斯肥牛(?)、羊肉、芝心丸等, 好平凡, 可以話, 放得入口, 但談唔上美味。去的那晚不但人多, 而且冷氣也壞壞地, 幸好當晚氣溫頗低, 否則 ........ 可能會侷死咗。樓面人手也略嫌不足, 或者, 今個冬天, 請多兩個臨時工吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)