Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Mix Adriatic Bosom Fantasy 西西里蕃茄煮龍蝦意粉 燒劍魚扒
Review (38)
Level3 2012-09-06
I purchased the group buying deal to have semi-buffet seafood brunch. I expected all-you-can-eat antipasti and dessert, and a fixed portion of seafood and main course. It turned out that other than antipasti and dessert, oysters, baked mussels and seasnails were also at unlimited supply. It was to my nice surprise!Among the food at buffet bar, oysters and sea snails tasted very fresh. Normally I take 2-3 oysters at buffet but this time I had 7 of them! Mortadella and salami were also delicious but the prosciutto seemed a bit dry. Choices of salad were not as many as normal full buffet, only assorted lettuce and penne salad were served. There were also only 2 choices of dessert, custard and tiramisu, both were very delicious! Personally I like tiramisu moist with wine, which is how they make it here. In most places, tiramisu served at buffet was dry without wine even though tiramisu ordered a la carte at the same place is made with rich taste of wine. Therefore tiramisu really exceeded my expectation for buffet and I liked it very much! Though coffee/tea was not included in the semi-buffet, I liked the dessert so much that I added on an espresso to go with it.Four of us chose 2 Seafood Risotto and 2 Grilled King Prawns for main course. Clams in the Seafood Risotto were fresh and I liked the risotto absorbed well with clam juice. Grilled King Prawns smelled good and the heads were especially delicious. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
早前見團購平平地,買咗個4人餐,今晚終於約到朋友去試了.4人餐都係得咁少,唔知2人餐會有幾少呢?一搬呢,洗到無晒味青口好似豆豉咁細粒,我聽到隔離枱投訴添,其他小食略為偏鹹個餐仲有一支餐酒,但無人飲,唯有拿走,點知走咗先唔記得,唯有返轉頭拿,點知D侍應好似唔係好信我地咁,最後都係要搵返負責我地個位職員先拿得返.另外個餐要另收加一$49,而我地再叫咗一客沙律($150)及意粉($190),點知結帳時,佢地竟然將$49再加一,真係比佢地吹脹. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-05-18
從Groupon購來的coupon, 剛巧週一晚有空馬上去試!8時左右到步, 位置不難找. 人不多只數枱客!有室內及戶外, 我們選了戶外.環境 : (8分) 有充足空間, 檯之間距離亦足夠. 戶外可平望維港景.服務 : (7分) 甫坐下馬上有人來招呼. 大部份係菲律賓人, 不清楚有沒有本地服務員.價格 : (5分) 略貴兼選擇不多. 意南食品以海鮮為主, 貴精不貴多?質素 : (5分) 12pc Coffin Bay Oyster - 不是新鮮的, 淡而無味, 失太多分! 海鮮Tapas - 味道不俗, 送酒一流 Octopus沙律 - 味道亦可, 點來送酒的 Clam Pasta - 水準以上, 很香口, Pasta軟硬適中 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-01-09
某飲食週刊每年年頭都會推選一些每年度值得去的食店,偶爾都會找到一些自己遺留了的正店。我認識Only Buonasera 也是通過這途徑。 既然尖東也算是自己的活動範圍,一於找個週末來了吃個南意大利午餐。這裡的午餐索價$128,有餐前小食、麵包籃、湯或沙律、主菜、是日甜品、咖啡或茶。我很自然把這裡的午餐跟諾士佛台的好幾間餐廳比較,論地方就腳,諾士佛台的比較優勝,但論食品同環境,我比較喜歡這裡,因為這裡很寧靜、食品質數也較好。當日我倆order了兩份午餐,各自要了意大利菜湯(Minestrone)、廚師沙律(Chef salad)。主菜方面,來到南意大利餐廳,當然必選海鮮菜式,所以order了Linguine Alle Vongole(蜆肉意粉)及Risotto Fisherman(海鮮意大利飯)。餐前小食是炸洋薊及多士配切粒蕃茄,我其實都是第一次真正吃洋薊,洋薊肉的部份質感有少訐似茄子,感覺特別,也好吃! 多士配切粒蕃茄也吃得出很新鮮!麵包籃份量也是頗大方的,麵包微暖,配上橄欖油及醋食,不錯! 雖然諾士佛台的餐廳的午餐有齊湯及前菜,而這裡只二選一,但這裡有餐前小食,湯同沙律份量也很足,所以其實不會感覺少了一道菜。意大利菜湯很足料,用一個頗大的湯碗盛著,熱辣辣登場。一片片的菇、什菜也有不少,味道也好。沙律可選擇廚師沙律或凱撒沙律。由於估計凱撒沙律變化不大,我們選了廚師沙律。廚師沙律舖上了有好多芝士,有生菜番茄仔、雞蛋,適合喜歡芝士的人。蜆肉意粉的蜆肉也不少,有鮮甜味,意粉彈牙,醬汁也足夠,正! 海鮮意大利飯很吸引,配料有青口、蜆、蝦、魷魚圈,好有誠意,意大利飯濕度及軟硬度也適中,creamy但不膩口,很好吃! 午市來這樣以$128可以食到吃這海鮮意大利飯,真的已經值回票價。 看過這餐廳的網上Menu,晚市的海鮮意大利飯賣$168,雖然不敢肯定兩者的分別,但午市的海鮮意大利飯有這個質素,我非常收貨了。我們的午餐以是日甜品(奶凍)及意大利咖啡作結,奶凍味道可以,表面加上了士多啤梨醬令味道較為醒神。心想,如果是日甜品是我最愛的tiramisu 會更完美。 這餐廳有露天及室內座位可選,由於露天座位主要是望尖東街景,不太吸引,所以個人比較喜歡室內。餐廳的主色是天藍與白色,配合捕魚網及貝殼的裝飾,及牆上掛著店主的一些捕魚照片,室內環境很是不錯,令人有置身南意海邊小店的感覺。我很喜歡Only Buonasera 這間餐廳,之後也有不斷推介這餐廳給朋友。 以在尖沙咀區吃西式午餐來說,這裡的午餐暫時是個人的首選。但當天週六午市一共只有三枱客,生意不算好,真的有點替餐廳擔心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-02
是日包場食lunch, 當然唔係大家諗既真係為左清靜而包起晒全場....而係只係得我地一枱食lunch.... 當下已經覺得有d 怪怪地....點解會無其他客既呢?!order 晒野lunch set 之後, 上左d 麵包....每一道菜食完之後, 相隔15-20分鐘先上一道菜, 以咁既速度... 真係好難0係返工時間落黎食lunch....除非一個lunch 可以食兩個鐘啦....點左個凱撒沙律, 其實無chef salad 咁靚, 不過勝在夠多芝士, 同菜好新鮮 Rissotto 好夠味, 料又好多, 有蜆, 有蝦, 有尤魚, 有蕃茄肉, 而且藍青口好新鮮, 值得推介!!最後lunch 既甜品竟然係tiramisu, 好重酒味, 唔會太甜, 而且好軟好滑, 如果鐘意食 tiramisu 一定要試下!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)