Exit A1, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station, Exit D, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (16)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
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Review (4)
Level3 2024-08-10
咁熱嘅天氣去邊都好易變成濕水雞仔🐣仲要拖住個bb車更加麻煩🤦🏻‍♀️諗諗下就決定都係嗌野番嚟屋企食係以前都係嗌開阿根廷L2紅蝦🦐今次見L2同L1價錢差唔多就緊係叫番個L1試下基本上下午4:00前落單第二日就立即送到超級有效率👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻呢款紅蝦🦐收到個下都忍唔住嘩一聲😱😱😱隻蝦🦐超級大隻,長度仲長過一個成人嘅手掌啖啖肉不特只,仲要好鮮甜🤤🤤🤤令人忍唔住摵完一隻又一隻除咗🦐之外,我哋仲叫咗生蠔🦪鋪頭內生蠔🦪嘅種類都算多淨係法國蠔都有幾款今次就叫咗法國粉紅佳人同埋9蚊個隻蠔(名已經唔記得咗)🦪食落海水味濃,口感creamy感覺都好新鮮,下次會再encore 我哋仲買咗其他刺身,例如北寄貝,赤貝等等,不過因為實在叫得太多野所以都係收番起部分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I recently tried the 即食盒裝日本生蠔 (Ready-to-Eat Boxed Japanese Oysters) from Boatats Food Market, and I must say, they exceeded my expectations. The fact that these oysters had to be pre-ordered online with a short 2-day shelf life ensured their freshness. The oysters were impeccably hygienic, which is a huge plus. The texture was delightfully creamy, making them a perfect choice for individuals who are not familiar with shucking oyster shells. The convenience of enjoying these delectable oysters without any hassle was truly a treat. I highly recommend giving them a try if you're a fan of fresh, creamy oysters. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-06
🚩荃灣荃新天地🚩突然想食刺身,只有諗到寶達,平靚正既刺身🍣,仲有好多其他海鮮、肉類🥩、生果🥭仲有D氣炸產品,不同種類未能盡錄,今次只係買左D刺身返去同屋企人享受一下,所有既海鮮刺身都非常新鮮,生蠔都好平,仲可以自己拎返屋企開添。🦪法國白珍珠蠔No.2 (6隻) $88🦪法國皇室寶至尊蠔 (6隻) $54🦀日本神奈川縣 雪蟹腳 (450g) $168🦐加拿大熟甜蝦 (200g) $32.5🐚馬刀貝聖子刺身 $36.5🇻🇳越南玻璃虎蝦刺身 $38🐙八爪魚刺身 $32🐠左口魚裙邊刺身 $30🐚赤貝片刺身 $38🐂美國SRF極黑和牛 厚切牛舌 (150g) $68🐖日本無添加激素 特選豚脊肉切片 2mm (150g) $59.9🧄蒜蓉蟹肉釀蟹蓋 $49.9💡整體黎講,佢既刺身真係性價比高,每一隻刺身我都幾鐘意食,好岩家庭聚會同朋友聚會食。📍 寶達食品超市🗺️ 荃灣楊屋道18號荃新天地2 UG UG29-33&35-36號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-03-16
去唔到旅行的日子,只好經常行下逛下睇下有什麼好食又抵食的外國食品。眾多國家中,日本食物最得我心。今日行經呢間食品店,見到有日本北海道馬糞海膽賣,價錢係158元,有50g,海膽盒顏色鮮明,剩下三盒,於是買了一盒回家食。海膽放在一個木盆內,排列整齊,用筷子挾上一小塊吃,味道鮮甜,入口即化,不需咀嚼,雖然係海產食物但又沒有太濃烈的腥味,一口一口細細品嚐,滋味無窮。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)