3-min walk from Exit B2, Tsuen Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (6)
Level2 2017-05-28
Facebook見到有短片推介先去試龍珠串$30蚊以下意見只針對龍珠串味道係黎自佢煮完之後淋既醬汁 對比青衣戲棚/大陸東門食既同類產品 今次可以算係失望首先,佢係以碟上,而唔係好似短片中既一串40Cm. (唔知係咪要request 先有得一串上)味道:口感唔錯 但只係得醬汁味 浮係表面 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-04-17
一心上網睇好資料去搵食, 去到荃灣搵正野食~呢間有youtuber 介紹, 滿心歡喜山長水遠有時間可以黎食.鵝肝同黑松露都係我的最愛, 佢有個黑松露鵝肝多士, 立即叫~之後再叫多一個和牛漢堡飽, 因為朋友鐘意.  但坐坐下先行見到餐牌, 佢有大同細之分, 但點解個姐姐唔問我要大定細呢? 心感不妙...首先黎左個和牛漢堡飽. 個包好大, 但個漢堡相對細左點, 但基本都係可以接受.  食落個和牛漢堡既味係ok. 但係唔係一定要去食, 我就覺得唔需要啦.之後就係我好期待個黑松露鵝肝多士.點知黎到=.= 個鵝肝好似張紙, 個味好燶......HKD50食 呢個多士, 超級伏~明明我睇youtuber既片係正常厚度. .佢貼係鋪頭既雜誌相片都係正常厚度, 點解會咁大落差.可能下次去食野要扮拍片?! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-03-22
自己都幾熟荃灣有咩好食因為之前係荃灣番工但係最近D新野都愈開愈多就比我發現係荃豐中心賣電腦既巷仔裡面有一間小食店睇佢細細間但原來賣既款式都幾多仲要好多款有創意既小食個名叫深海龍珠串其實係燒魷魚串成串係超長~要3隻碟先放到等於我手臂咁長份量都幾多~呢個價錢算抵食因為食落係有口感既魷魚~魷魚有彈性,而且醬汁很惹味影完相之後店員會幫手把串燒移到一隻碟度方便食用細細粒容易食,唔會整污隻手和食到周身係雞翅包飯係我很喜歡的台灣小食之一這裡的雞翅包飯都超足料真係爆餡架一隻可切開了4份,每份都有滿滿既炒飯好鍾意個皮好香脆,而且炒飯都好夠味連雞翼尖我都食埋這個吉列流心芝士大雞排真係幾吸引無論外表定內在都正!個枝炸到脆卜卜但又唔覺得好油膩最正係中間流心既芝士,食落唔覺滯~仲好JUICY~堍雞排都啖啖肉我猜EXPECT過係個咁細既檔位都有烤春雞食仲要係好味的,隻雞既味道好足夠好惹味,但又不會過咸而且烤完個外皮好香又好脆而雞肉就依然保留肉汁肉質好新鮮份量都唔細,都大過我隻手掌切開後都幾多肉食焗蠔都幾多芝士都幾夠味。整體黎講,我冇諗過係個小商場既小店會有咁唔錯既質素既野食~仲要份量都幾多同埋價錢唔貴質素係可以開係港島區或尖沙咀賣百幾2百蚊所以黎開荃灣都值得一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Sometimes, in an area you least expect, you will find an eatery. One such place is Gourmet Tasty.In the middle of this shopping complex, among all the other shops selling clothes and nick knacks is a tiny shop with a long man who is grilling away. As you can see from the photo, the hallway that is located is very narrow. It looked a bit like an alley (but we were inside a shopping center).The shop is very small and geared for take away. Or there are a few seats that you can sit. It remotely reminded me of one those small little yakitori type shops found in Shinjuku's drinking alley.Menu is in Chinese only. It consisted mostly of grilled food that the man does on a grill plate.We decided to order a snack of grilled black pork bacon ($30). Yeah, there may be some black charcoal-like bits. But it tasted pretty good. If you love bacon, this is the dish for you. It's gloriously unhealthy.  The meat was moist. It was oddly salty even though I didn't see him season it.The food was pretty good for such a small place. The man who worked there seemed to be very proud of his shop and was super friendly. Talking constantly about his vision for this place, he even gave us a free box of tea to drink while we continued to chat. We did note that he needed to improve on the overhead smoke that occurred when he cooked. I had visited this a long time ago and only write about this now as Openrice finally listed this place.  From more current photos, I noticed that he has since installed a suction vent much like those found at Korean BBQs. Hopefully, this will clear up the ventilation problems.A venture with a lot of hope. A man with a vision and a dream. The man seemed passionate and I hope he succeeds.  Tsuen Wan is not an area I go to often but if I do ... I'll be sure to drop by and see if he's still there. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-12-17
好好食嘅小食店。老闆娘用心煮,食材也很好。真是隱世小食店!偶然間經過見到,問老闆娘有咩好食,就介紹咗粒粒牛肉,我兩個小朋友食咗都覺得好好味。下次一定再嚟幫襯,試埋其他未食過嘅,應該都會好好味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)