All Branches (23)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
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Review (6)
Level3 2024-10-18
之前行過地鐵站都會幫襯下 ,大約等五分鐘已經可以收到,只是 100蚊多D 左右,不過好好味。 我覺得麵粉發酵得非常好,軟韌適中,一個人食一大塊都唔會覺得會好滯。 配料 雖然唔算好多,但係加埋 pizza 嘅味道真係好正。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I ordered self pick up via OpenRice as usual, from pick up at the shop to arriving home to have the pizza is just within 15mins, the Triple Pepperoni Pizza is COLD! the sliced pepperoni is COLD! the cheese layer is COLD! For another Hawaiian one was fine, at least lukewarm under 34 degree weather Called to the shop and the lady confirmed with the Chef and said that pizza was order to make, thus “they DON’T KNOW why was it happen”, “they CANNOT HELP for this”OK. I also cannot help in NEVER be your customer again!Not even mentioned the fly 🪰 in shop around Donuts area….. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-26
之前都外賣過卡邦尼薄餅,果次已經覺得好正,條邊少少煙韌,點埋佢個蒜蓉香草醬食,真係好好味上次加埋donuts超滿足今次屋企人買咗夏威夷薄餅返黎都一樣好味,返到屋企先食凍咗少少,但依然好正 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍕西式 🍕Pizza 🥡外賣 🐻#芝士控 🐻‍❄️#新奇控——————見到東涌地鐵站新開咗間pizza🍕舖,搵到機會買外賣試試佢!餐廳有QR code可以落單,🐻🐻‍❄️由有得攞到打開食都接近20分鐘,唔知食落又點呢?🍕菲力芝士牛柳 Philly Cheese Steak$168Pizza係薄批,批邊厚、批底非常薄,批邊煙韌,仲可以點附送嘅蒜蓉及香草醬,醬食落有啲似酸忌廉味,好正🤤不過因為廚師切割比較隨性,一攞起大塊嘅pizza批底未必支撐到,就有機會跌晒啲餡🤣🤣批餡味道幾好😋有啲洋蔥🧅、青椒🫑,所以食落有咬口;Pizza落咗車打芝士同水牛芝士,食落有咸香🤤🤰份量🫃Pizza以呢個價錢嚟講偏細,小鳥胃一個人可能都清得晒一個pizza。兩個人可能叫2人餐會好啲~結論:過咗20分鐘Pizza質地都仲好ok,味道亦唔錯,會encore👍🏽👍🏽😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-03
行過見到呢間地鐵站附近嘅冬甩店,有唔少人排隊。見到餐牌佢主打薄餅同埋冬甩,所以點返個冬甩嚟食吓。冬甩用一個好搶眼嘅粉紅色盒裝住,未食已經比個紙盒吸引住。打開紙盒有兩個熱辣辣嘅冬甩,冬甩裏便嘅朱古力醬已經有少少流緊出嚟,有流心嘅感覺。而冬甩上面有一層薄薄嘅糖霜,咬落去冬甩非常鬆軟,而且醬汁非常多,食落去滿滿嘅邪惡感,但係真係非常美味。建議大家買咗之後就即刻食用,因為估計放得太耐凍咗嘅話,醬汁就會冇咗流心嘅感覺,同埋凍食嘅話可能會感覺有點膩。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)