4-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
It is the sister restaurant of the classic Indian restaurant, Gaylord. It also provides Indian cuisines and pairing with different special herbs, making the food tasty and spicy. continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last Order: 17:45
Mon - Sun
Open 24 Hours
Public Holiday
Open 24 Hours
Public Holiday Eve
Open 24 Hours
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (26)
Level1 2022-02-10
Tandoori prawns $138 這個是頗辣的,一隻$138 價錢貴,試一次吧!tandoori salmon, 好味,可選半份(2件)或全份(4件)。首點chilli chicken, 實在不好吃,像急凍甜酸咕嚕雞肉,不是印度咖喱菜式,汁也咕嚕味,雞是炸過,比起tandoori chicken,這個難食!素肉丸出色,咖哩汁都正,配Naan一流 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
必去 高質‼️突然迷上印度菜 想餐餐食😚船街有好多野食 想一一試晒!呢餐好好service好細心🤓落單時 問左我地幾多個人 將切到既dish都分左做4份🧡仲要間唔中就走過嚟問我地覺得點☺️食前仲有個welcome bites💕🌈Chicken Dum Biryani 雞柳香料炒飯 $158Must Eat‼️嚟之前都已經決定要嗌呢個 冇失望呢🥳個樣係咪好似酥皮湯 個dum可以keep warm係真既 飯放左好耐都仲暖👍🏻waitress叫我地唔好食個皮(因為燶左?試左係可入口的 唔好食姐) 隔離有乳酪同洋蔥 兩樣都係印度菜一定有既配搭😚乳酪中和番 冇咁油膩 講番個飯先 中意食印度米 長條形 總係覺得正啲冇咁硬 個飯係濕濕地 有好多雞肉同香草 好好味仲要好抵 好大份我諗有4碗飯😆其實呢個應該叫羊先啱 下面仲有雞🌈Cheese Truffle Naan松露芝士烤餅 $68Must Eat‼️Naan配上重重的黑松露醬同芝士🧡我好愛!必食必食必食😍就咁食 唔洗任何點野夾任何野都得😍好足料之餘 塊餅都好食先勁嘛!(呢到係2份naan嚟)🌈Chicken Makhani 奶油香滑雞 $158去邊間食印度野呢個都係必嗌既 但我唔識好pro咁去講係點 味道都係好好食 雞既份量都好多 配Naan係絕配😋🌈Tandoori Salmon 炭燒三文魚 $168正👍🏻燒得好香好滑 夾埋下面啲洋蔥食 再滴幾滴檸檬汁上去 係比平時食三文魚重口味少少 但好味😋🌈Colonel’s Scoloch Eggs 雞蛋釀羊肉配威士忌$128呢個又係去前就想食 有少少失望😐簡單啲講即係有醬的羊肉乾夾住蛋 食完再飲shot whisky 而呢shot whisky係唔好飲的 可以試下 冇幾可會咁食😂🌈Bhindi Amchoorwali 石榴香草炒秋葵 $128食唔晒的秋葵😢嗌得太多 好飽。。呢個唔應該出現同唔抵🤨好多印度香料炒秋葵 略鹹 秋葵淋淋的 冇晒啲潺 有人中意啲潺有人唔中意😜🌈Kesar Kulfi $68由於睇完個名都唔知係咩 我上網睇圖 係一條圓雪條既樣 我以為真係原條上😂原來切左做cube 食落係好凍好creamy既番紅花雪糕 加埋少少開心果粒 好啱我口味😍🌈Aam-Tini $128望完都唔知咩 我飲到芒果base加印度香料 仲有少少酒精😂好飲😚見到有啲黑色點點應該係香料啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
2021年 踏入11月,遇上食神!開心!香港旅遊發展局聯同約150家餐廳,推出 Travel by Palate,日期為11月1日 ~ 11月30日,這1檔預訂了14家餐廳,第4站:灣仔 印度餐廳 Gunpowder Indian RestoBar188元/位 精選午餐,包括以下的:#素菜餡角,皮不夠鬆化!#香脆雞塊,雞肉炸得太乾!#串燒羊肉卷,好吃!#印式椰香烤蝦,好吃!可惜只有2隻!#松露奶油咖哩羊,香濃惹味!#蒜蓉烤餅,吸收咖哩,風味十足!#紅花果仁印度雪糕:本餐驚喜!之前吃過的印度甜品都勁甜,這個甜度適中,為重口味的午餐,清新吓味蕾,舒服! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-11-12
I went there alone for lunch, all indoor tables are full so I was asked to have the table outside. It’s fine as the weather is good for dining outside. However, by the time I sat down, there was water dropping from the building nearby! I requested for another table, which is also outdoor, but the manager simply refused without addressing the problem! How unhygienic it is for a restaurant letting customers to have their food with unknown waterdrops!Please be reminded that the restaurant is charging a decent price for a lunch set! With this kind of hygiene level, please think about it! I cannot accept the environment and I left without having the food. My jacket was wet when I left!This was not the first time I went there but the first time I was asked to take a table outside! Food is good but please be aware of your dining environment! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-09-26
呢間印度餐廳裝潢不錯,星期六下午行過試下。叫左個意粉,比較辣。鐘意食辣可以試下。價錢有啲貴。有個後生D嘅印度男侍應生服務態度很好。I walked by this nice decorated India restaurant. Impressed by a good service of a young Indian waiter. I ordered pasta. It was so spicy that made me drank many water. The dishes are a little bit overpriced. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)