2-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (117)
Level4 2022-02-19
事源係朋友完全無叫過杯latte,但同個女侍應講完,佢話我朋友有幫我叫,跟住就走左去⋯⋯勁屈委!好嬲!因為我唔飲得奶所以唔會叫latte!仲要我俾錢!好可惡!完全要Blacklist呢間cafe!完全要Blacklist呢間cafe!完全要Blacklist呢間cafe!認真飲左杯野係唔好飲 無疆味呢點就係點架我見到個名 心諗邊個會叫嘅原因!服務俾你6粒星 宜家呢1粒係多左岀嚟嘅😤客人為上 客人感到勁屈辱你都唔理超級過份!真係好嬲 唔係朋友hold住 真係好想發火😡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Despite I was bit full from the afternoon tea at Crust Italian, given the ever changing pandemic, I decided to come here since it was so close for an early dinner. When you book at certain time periods through Openrice, you are able to enjoy a discount for their A La Carte items if you spend more than $120. The time I booked was 4:30pm and I was able to enjoy a 20% discount. Coincidentally, the items I wanted to try were all A La Carte items so this was promotion was perfect for me.The decor of the restaurant was lovely and I love how even their partitions are used to promote about the environment(this time, Whales)I ordered their Blue Coconut Latte which was pretty indeed. However, the coconut flavor did not pop up as much as I hoped for. I guess the ice diluted the flavors a bit too much.The Konjac Noodles were amazing. It looked a bit like a garden.The konjac noodles had a springy texture to it. It was also lower in carbs so despite the sauce was so rich, I felt less guilty after having the meal.The Chocolate Timber matched the restaurant's nature theme. It was surprisingly not too sweet and I finished this dessert with ease.Looking forward to my next visit. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-02-06
$158 Today’s Special - 芝麻醬雞卷大啡菇🍄餐飲以nutty咖啡為主,其他特色咖啡正價($50以上一杯,有點貴),有加一服務費weekend黎就唔算多人,平日如果附近返工忙裡抽閒應該幾relax【味道】芝麻醬雞卷大啡菇🍄plating非常靚好有心思,兩個啡菇放係兩個雞卷上面,睇落食物份量好少,但女仔會夠食啡菇加少少蒜蓉好好味,但雞卷無雞味,應該係冰鮮雞,不過點左芝麻醬會好食d餐湯好一般,應該係南瓜湯,無特別【環境】樓底極高,空間感好大,鬧市入面既花花世界好relaxing,打卡位多,一定影到靚相,附近返工忙都會想take a break過黎買杯咖啡整體來講想打卡/ 想take break,而又對食物冇乜要求既話值得一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
由之前暖色系乾花餐廳,搖身一變做冷色系海洋系列😳原來背後係一個環保嘅概念,抬頭就望到一條超級大用乾花造嘅鯨魚🐳,都幾impressive🥰臨近聖誕,枱面上仲有一個棵棵同樣用乾花造嘅小聖誕樹🎄好有節日氣氛🎅🏻由於去嘅時候唔係繁忙時間,冇最低消費🤤相比最初開嘅時候,個價真係平左好多😎𝙁𝙤𝙤𝙙🥔炸薯球配番茄沙沙牛油果醬 $68數量around有10粒,唔算少~薯球都炸得脆,幾香口,牛油果加埋蕃茄莎莎都冇得輸啦🥧Fresh fig tart $68用左超新鮮嘅無花果喎,入口有種清爽感,略帶少少草青味,Jenny覺得好食,但就未必個個都接受到🧇Hojicha waffle tea set $168呢個食得出個水準來🤤焙茶好香,仲襯咗栗子蓉,連雲呢拿雪糕同上面嘅蜜瓜球,能夠做到甜而不膩,喜歡😚呢個set配埋一杯嘢飲,Jenny揀左佢哋嘅special drinks,下面介紹返⬇️𝘿𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨🌊Blue coconut latte $65好靚嘅顏色,同海洋主題相呼應,用料係椰奶咖啡同蝶豆花,難得嘅係,飲落去同睇嘅都一樣有層次😏椰奶中和返咖啡嘅微苦🙌🍂️Cinnamon brown sugar oat milk latte $70冬日之選😎超香嘅玉桂味,成杯latte都撒滿玉桂粉,唯一要小心飲嘅時候唔好吸埋🤣(除非你好想做cinnamon challenge🤟🏼)飲完好香好溫暖🥰平日tea time 去,唔算多人,服務亦幾好,店員有細心介紹menu,環境又靚又靜~幾值得再嚟😌𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙩乾花、小聖誕樹枱 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-01-26
放假同好朋友行山,行完就梗係搵間Cafe嘆吓,又傾吓偈啦🤣✌🏻好朋友話一早睇中呢間,因為好想試佢個招牌撻🤣😎🤩!咁就行啦!😂因為閒日,又唔係繁忙時間,所以好正,冇乜人,得2檯客👍🏻我哋叫咗一個甜點同一個咸點🤩🤩🤩一人一杯嘢飲!又可以hea幾粒鐘✌🏻招牌撻就係呢個無花果撻😍有幾塊無花果喺面🤤🤤我勁鍾意食撻🤣😂因為有餅底加埋入面嘅果醬😍好味呀!一啲都唔漏😆推介👍🏻👍🏻之後嚟到嘅係一人一杯Mocha (熱/冷)都幾香,幾好飲🤤唔好睇佢好似好細杯,其實一路傾偈,食吓嘢,最尾我都飲剩咗啲🥲因為都好飽🤣🤣呢個份量very good👍🏻最後我點當然係最愛嘅薯寶😆😆細細粒,一啖一粒,好好味呢😍🤤想講佢有兩款汁點,我爆鍾意佢個蕃茄莎莎,入面有蕃茄粒同埋紫洋蔥😍😍😍我覺得好好食呀🤣朋友唔食,我成兜可以當餸啪晒😂😂👍🏻👍🏻估唔到佢同薯寶咁夾🤣👍🏻好味👍🏻👍🏻-新鮮無花果撻 $68-炸薯球配番茄莎莎及牛油果醬 $68-熱Mocha $48-凍Mocha $48 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)