6-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level2 2017-12-04
今日同朋友食完飯特登嚟飲杯嘢,其實呢度真係好隱蔽,唔係朋友介紹絶對唔會塭到嚟呢度,建築物外牆鬆成橙色,加上小小掛牆嘅花,好有歐洲嘅感覺~入到去要經過一間藝廊先會去到cafe,雖然隱蔽但都有唔小附近番工嘅人,仲有兩個法國人㖭,因為裏面已經坐滿我地就坐咗岀外面,我叫咗杯產地係equateur嘅朱古力,朋友就叫咗杯普通嘅朱古力,兩杯都係36,不過我個杯嘅份量就小好多,我個杯係用朱古力塊加熱水同奶沖的,濃度好高,值得一提隻碟幾精緻,上面仲有粒用嚟沖朱古力嘅朱古力~氣氛唔錯,如果下晝唔使番工,帶本書就可以坐好耐喇~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-03-29
最近因為某個手機應用程式,知道左唔少咖啡店,佢地大部都係小店,並非連鎖式。於是當一想到要hea下,就會諗起某幾間coffee shop。週日黎到呢間位於聖佛蘭士街嘅sfs,真係唔講唔知呢度有間咖啡店呢!但我奇怪咁「隱蔽」嘅住置今日客人都唔少,比我想像中旺。原來,旁邊打通左嘅鋪位,有個gallery,當日正有個小市集,難怪連帶隔離嘅咖啡店人流都幾旺。除左係咖啡店,仲有唔少手工品、飾物購買。店內位置就唔多,得一張細枱仔,但店外有蓬嘅枱有三張,如果天氣唔熱,坐喺外面,飲杯咖啡,都幾舒適。小店只有一位咖啡師,供應朱古力、咖啡、茶。Flat White $34咖啡味唔算好香濃,奶泡唔夠滑,普普通通。熱朱古力 $36朱古力味香濃,但奶泡唔算好滑,飲落唔會覺得甜。雖然飲品認真一般般,但喺度hea左陣,感覺都相當悠閒;只係坐坐下有兩個傾談比較大聲嘅少女,有少少打擾~否則我覺得我地可以再坐多陣呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-06-17
One of the great things about Hong Kong is that there are always alleys to explore and hidden gems to be found. This little secluded café is one such gem, hidden in an obscure alleyway in the heart of Wanchai. With an abbreviated name that sounds more like a logistics company than a café, SFS mainly serves neighbourhood locals and adventurous enthusiasts, hoping to bring a taste of UK to this part of HK.The narrow doorway to SFS is located in the alleyway of St. Francis St. the only indication of its presence is a small sign on the street and a marking painted onto the wall. Once you manage to squeeze through the tiny door and tread down the stairs, a lush city garden filled with potted greenery awaits you.A selection of award winning independent coffee roasts are available at SFS. If you are like me and cannot decide what to have, the owner and barista can offer some recommendations. Today I went with their single origin hand-drip coffee, choosing a Maragogype coffee bean from Cuba. Taste was soft and mellow with balanced acidity and bitterness, and a lingering tart finish. A good low-caffeine choice for coffee noobs like me.In a city dominated by chain stores and large companies, small local spots such as these are like an oasis, offering something refreshing and different. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-07-21
知道她的存在已經差不多一年了, 其中似乎經過某些事令她的產品剩下”咖啡”, 這天跟太座及少女A在”月街”吃過午餐後, 帶點刻意地行到上址, 由於在開飯網睇過食評對她的位置有些印象, 好自然地找到了她, 一個鋪位分開兩半, 前面向街是畫廊後面則是咖啡小店兼賣孭袋(布/皮), 店內能坐的位不多, 空間狹小就算是特色之一吧! 講番杯"啡"只試咗一杯細嘅"FLAT WHITE”奶溫KEEP65度絲般幼滑, 啡味則苦中有甘, 相當有性格, 比較可惜的是這裡的點心品種不多, 只見得一種Pound Cake slices, 不過就咁睇這裡可能沒有食肆牌都唔定, 因為只得一部咖啡機沒午什麼架生, 賣咖啡應該只是想客人留耐一點看多一點她們的"袋" , "畫"吧! 要不是只賣咖啡連養一個員工也挺困難呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-27
食完燒肉搵咖啡,好彩燒肉店個經理帶我行上嚟搵呢間店-上樓梯平台左面個門口唔啱嘅,再上到住宅門口嗰條小路落去先係!冇人帶,唔知搵幾耐…環境係幾好,有幾張露天枱椅,店裡賣皮革品,再入仲有畫室,可惜今日未開門。我仍然要piccolo,豆係Ethiopia 60% & El Salvador 40%。飲落稍澀帶酸味,啲泡唔夠實淨有啲散。如果咖啡啱飲就可以hea成個下晝喇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)