7-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level1 2019-10-17
有日實在好想食烏冬,金鐘/灣仔區見sun curry價錢合理又有好評就試下,點知原來係hidden gem!咖喱牛腩可以配烏冬、飯、河粉......好多配搭,牛腩燘得好淋,老闆娘會細心問食唔食筋,老闆又nice。第二次帶咗飯盒買外賣,原來有得平(小確幸)。本來諗住以後唔帶飯就黎呢度食,點知再黎三次都摸門釘,超驚搬走咗,好彩上openrice睇到「裝修中」,拜託快點重開,念念不忘,想試哂唔同料理🥺🥺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-09-14
I come to this little shop all the time. I feel like it is a shop people always come back to since I always see the same people there. The lines are sometimes long during lunch and there are only a few dine in seats. However you can always buy takeout and eat outside PP3.My favourite dish is the tomato egg chicken udon. The broth is slightly sweet, I sometimes add chilli flakes to add a kick to the flavour. They prepare the meals while you order them. So the meals always come hot. If you eat in the store you will get quite hot in the summer.One thing I’d like to say is that they always get the orders wrong and the quality is not always consistent (though good nonetheless).This is relatively cheap in the Star Street area. As such it is quite a casual shop and like a cha chaan teng (don’t have high expectations on the environment). I love it though! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-07-10
Lunch time 時間行來行去吾知食乜好,行到去星街,入到去睇左好耐,選擇困難症,最後揀左好味煎雞河源米粉,湯底超級正,食左一啖,自己講左好味2個字出來,同枱吾識的女士話下次都要試,值得推薦,老闆好用心做,最開心係食到好味又平民價錢的食物,讚👍🏼😋🎉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-08-29
Haven't been to Sun Curry for ages! Since my last visit, they have changed the restaurant layout which is more inviting.The menu has changed and now they have the tomato, egg and beef series with rice or ramen.Their homemade ramen was interesting so I had the tomato, beef and egg soup ramen.The bowl of ramen was piping hot when it came.It was a very huge bowl!!!!I loved the tomato and egg broth and the pieces of egg were chunky and yummy.As for the beef, this was the star of the show as always, meaty yet delicate.Finished with the mango juice and kumquat drink which were healthy and refreshing. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-06-26
一行四個女子在Sun Curry 吃午餐,因為有兩位同事唔食牛肉,所以我就算想試都無叫。Ordered 檸檬雞、好好味雞、咖喱雜菜、咖喱雞,老闆同老闆娘俾左細細杯雜莓汁(raspberry, blueberry, Blackcurrants)、柚子水我地試飲,最後個個都自覺超級健康咁每人order 一杯雜莓汁。對方細細,但係乾淨企理。bar 檯式餐檯椅,堂食大概可以坐 6-8人。所有食物都係現叫現煮,老闆算煮得好快手。檸檬雞:第一道菜,炎炎夏日食左呢個,即刻好開胃、味蕾覺得好refreshing!雞肉好軟滑,酸酸甜甜、個汁好送飯。好好味雞:第二道菜,其實都OK,不過佢排喺檸檬雞同咖喱之間出現,真系好快被遺忘。除左記得雞肉依然滑同埋呢道餸無咩汁,真係印象唔深刻。咖喱雜菜:Mainly 係 紫椰菜同菜心,應該係當造,睇得出老闆好有心、揀時令蔬菜黎煮。咖喱汁底係我鍾意嘅印度/尼泊爾風味,可惜菜出水、溝稀左啲咖喱汁,有啲小遺憾,但仍然算係好食嘅。唔食辣嘅同事都算食到。咖喱雞🐔:俾5粒星!超級正!雞同咖喱水乳交融、簡直係天作之合,咖喱汁濃郁香辣,完全無雜菜會出水溝稀嘅問題,我食曬一大碗飯、本來仲想添飯,不過個胃真係頂唔住,先作罷!我食得好辣,所以唔認為呢個咖喱辣,覺得好惹味。但完全唔食辣嘅兩位同事只係勉強食到幾啖。我應該齋用佢咖啡汁撈飯都好滿足。然後乾一杯 berry juice,大飽口福!人生一樂也!PS. 啲汁好惹味,老闆話白飯任裝!講一聲就得!我覺得好似去左日本嘅小店咁,好溫暖!好滿足!PPS. 老闆夫婦好nice!希望你地生意興隆! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)