6-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
沖繩黑糖牛奶雪糕配咖啡凍 私房雪糕 招牌擔擔拉麵 招牌蕃薯薑湯漏黃湯圓 桂花薰蛋
Review (126)
Level4 2015-08-22
是日跟同事們吃lunch, 隨意地來到囍宴. 平日下午一時多, 全場爆滿, 真的非常旺場. 店內不算很大, 但空間感不錯, 坐得也頗舒適.等了二十分鐘終可入座, 有lunch set提供, 點選了招牌擔擔拉麵(不辣)+熱鹹柑桔.先說招牌擔擔拉麵(不辣), 起初筆者以為是有湯的那種, 但這裡的是撈麵, 不打更吧,試一口,果然有驚喜, 麵條入口非常彈牙, 真的很久也沒有吃過有水準的麵條了, 很感動. 碗內除了有甜甜鹹鹹的醬汁, 還加入了大量的花生碎, 不只增加了口感, 那種花生香也是前所未有的濃烈, 整體真的做得不錯.熱鹹柑桔, 筆者本身不是這種飲品的愛好者, 點選它只因熱鹹柑桔有助舒緩咳嗽, 足料, 喝下也順喉呢.吃飽, 又是時候回去工作了. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-02
晚上九時半來到, late dinner因為不太肚餓。來到侍應說last order 9:30pm, 其時餐廳內還有約七成食客, ok沒有問題。蟹籽燻蛋 - 賣相不俗, 不過整隻燻蛋都沒有味道的。腐乳脆香雞 - 十分不濟, 雞是超乾硬的, 炸得過多似的。香酥糯米鴨 - 與上面的一個一樣, 炸得過份, 令鴨十分之乾, 糯米都一樣乾, 沒有香味, 只食得出一個字 - 乾! XO醬蝦仁炒飯 - 沒有XO醬味, 不過飯都算炒得乾身, 是比較可取的。雪梨紅棗茶 - 一粒紅棗是裝飾的, 因為完全飲不到紅棗味。上菜的每一個碟都是崩了的, 雖不至於好影響胃口, 不過其實換過新的碗碟都應該不太難吧?!最令人不快的是, 我不知道確實的打烊時間, 看過openrice上寫是11pm的, 吃到大半當時只剩下我們一枱, 他們的員工一個一個的離開了, 當時是10:10pm, 員工急不及待關了全店的冷氣, 就是示意我們早啲食完早啲走, 令人吃得十分不自在而且不舒服。在食客還未吃完而且未到打烊的時間下關掉全部冷氣趕人走, 是一間餐廳應有的服務態度嗎? 食物不濟、服務不濟, 竟然仍然可以在金鐘生存數年, 奇葩.....  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-09-13
This wasn't my first visit to this yummy diner and I think it is high time for a review. While some foreigners may be fooled by the name Xi Yan "Sweets", this little restaurant serves far more than just sweets (though their desserts are legendary!). The moment I sat down, a waiter came and poured hot tea (which is complimentary - a very civilized notion that I keep missing in Western restaurants...). With the tea arrived the long menu and I studied it hard for a very long time as choosing is a little difficult, because everything sounds delicious and I had to remember that I was eating alone and couldn't go overboard....I wanted something I knew was good and something absolutely diffrent and new so I decided on a rather naughty combination of my favourite "Dry Dan Dan Mien" noodles and the intriguing sounding "Crispy Fried Duck, Stuffed with Rice".The Dan Dan Mien arrived pretty pronto and I must say that while it wasn't quite as spicy as I would've liked, it was absolutely divine and the texture of the noodles was superb, springy and elastic and just that little bit chewy.... Perfect!When the duck arrived, I was at first a little disappointed as the colour didn't do much for me. But I needn't have worried, because the delicious texture and flavouring more than made up for its bland look. The duck was crispy on the outside and the meat was succulent and moist while the rice was fragrant and with just the right amount of stickiness to make these oblong pieces easy to grasp and eat. Overall, this was a very good dining experience. Only "slight" downturn was that they brought the bill even before I had finished. But I guess they had to ensure I understood what "last orders" means and I may have outstayed my welcome by ordering two main dishes...hahaha... Still, I'll be back of course. Love this diner.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-08-26
大肚婆同事行動唔方便,當然要遷就媽媽同肚入面的BABY,PACIFIC PLAXCE一出行商場出又不用曬,可能見到食評被批評選擇過小,中午MENU 多了食品, 有7,8款是個進步。沒味精的湯!正氣蟹肉絲只有少量, 加埋一起都沒有一匙份量,很小氣的, 還混入了大量蛋白絲,其餘就是豆腐及少許香菇絲,豆腐沒豆味, 香菇及蟹肉絲少到吃不出味來,我以為在吃素豆腐 “GUN”湯GUM中有淡淡芝麻油香味,打了生份水令到湯變稠,質地以論像我們吃的碗仔翅,十多元的碗仔翅材料比宅更豐富,吃時根本不用經咀嚼, 沒實在感。白飯上灑了白芝麻食落都好普通, 撈入湯中層加口感與飽足感,  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-08-05
到灣仔外圍吃lunch,會經太古廣場穿過去,每次也會途經此店,但從來沒有進去試過。這次公司training安排在晚上,我與同事要快吃一個晚餐再回去上堂。由於不能去太遠的地方,我們又來到灣仔外圍,既不想吃平時lunch的餐廳,又要快和有位,決定試一試這間平時過門而不入食店。我們沒有訂座,眼見店內已經有8-9成滿座,經理十分好笑容地替我們安排座位。座位在廚房門口位置旁邊,可以看到廚房內部,與我想像的中式餐廳廚房很大出入,不會濕立立,十分整潔。我與友人都是細食之人,沒有點套餐,只點了1個飯,1碟雞和1碟菜。秘制腐乳脆香雞以腐乳醃製,外面香脆,肉質嫩滑入味,口感惹味可口。私房足料魚湯泡飯鮮甜的魚湯,配有白飯、脆脆銀魚仔和已變軟的油炸鬼,魚湯味道不算濃,但勝在沒有添加味精。黃金蛋黃四季豆咸蛋黃炒四季豆,爽口香甜的四季豆沾滿咸蛋黃溶,有點油膩,但每條都咸香惹味。 原本是想吃甜品的,沒有理由在"甜.藝"不吃甜品,但實在太飽,主菜也沒辦法吃光,要打包回家,甜品還是等下一次吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)