4-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
17:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
生蠔 燒日本迷你蕃薯 燒白鱔 麵包蟹
Review (25)
This is one of these friendly little neighborhood restaurants that always has a huge line outside during dinner hours, and it’s easy to see why.The food is very yummy, providing a healthy variety of raw sushi, hand rolls, cooked snacks (beef tongue and fried soft shell crabs are my favorites) and comforting soup noodles, all for a (comparative) song. The beef tongue is seared just enough so that it remains tender and juicey on the inside, providing a feast for your senses when you bite into it and enjoy the burst of meat juice, light dusting of pepper and natural oils. The fried soft shell crab nearly always comes still sizzling with oil and still soft and tender on the inside. The foie gras on toast (two pieces) are just melt-in-your mouth buttery and enough to bring tears to your eyes.Also, when it comes to value, I don't think you can get better bang for your buck in any other Japanese restaurant within a couple of MTR stops. A huge bowl of seafood soup noodles, filled to the brim with seafood, hovers around HKD60, and for HKD200 a head, you can probably stuff your face until you succumb to food coma (mileage may vary). Staff is friendly, but given the brisk business the place is doing, service is not super attentive and you may need to keep a close eye on your orders. There’s no ambience beyond “dark wood, dim lighting, random knickknack on walls”, just as a neighborhood family-owned business would look. You're also sitting practically in each others' laps and sometimes basking in the envious /jealous eyes of your fellow diners waiting outside, but you’re here for the cheap and yummy food and some quality time hanging out with your dinner companion (not enough elbow room for playing with phone, must make dinner conversation). Diners should not bring big bags, as you’d have very little room to put them (except on the floor) and you need to free up both your hands for the serious eating you’ll be doing here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
每次到西環,這間店也是必食,食了超過數十次,但經過今次後,以後也不會再去。和往常一樣,點了菜,便吃,食物質素沒問題的。(當然,經過時間變遷,價錢一直上調,也是正常的,由過往兩人每次吃二百元不到,到現在每次埋單大約三百五左右)有個四眼妹妹侍應,是新手吧,每次上菜收碟都是雞手鴨腳。終於岀事了,收碟時把整碟三文魚腩汁與骨及壽司豉油倒在朋友身上,外套及長褲都濕透大遍,隔壁的情侶看到這情況也呆了,侍應妹妹看到便很緊張,立即取紙巾來給我朋友抹,老實說,無心之失,誰人也不想,因有大量醬油在外套上,我便叫朋友除下外套讓我到洗手間清洗一下。其實我們只是吃了半飽,但已經沒心情了,但最影響心情,倒是老闆看到整件事,由發生到之後,都沒過來協助一下,或是說聲抱歉,這也太冷淡了吧,就像發生事的是隔壁店的事一樣。小店的人情味?別說笑了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-09-29
晚上9店去,小店差不多坐滿。炙烤三文魚芝士壽司最好食,八爪魚壽司也不錯,感覺挺新鮮。鰻魚飯味道一般,飯粒是那種小粗米。烤翅擠上檸檬汁味道不錯,一點不膩。兩個人吃了150多一滴,總的來說挺抵。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-05-18
話說讀HKU既學生仔經常去西環同堅離地食野,星期日溫完書提議想去食廿八居酒屋,點知去到先知星期日休息到左星期三同女友特登等六點左右佢一開鋪就去食,行得慢少六點半去到已經有人等緊位,好彩兩個人好容易有枱間野係我地之前同的士司機吹水介紹我地食既,食左幾次覺得算抵、幾好食同好招呼,只係間鋪細少少只適合兩三個人黎食佢主要賣日式串燒同刺身壽司我地食左幾次發現最喜歡既係炸軟殼蟹卷 另一樣必叫既係海膽魚子飯,不過我地今次冇食到,試下佢魚生魚子飯 ,都唔差既,但海膽果個正好多,小弟最中意將大舊wasabi用少少豉油溶晒佢,之後淋落碗飯撈混所有野,d口感層次樣樣都出晒黎(其實係幫女友整) 蟹子沙津清清地,同埋女友愛炸蝦,都唔錯既 見佢推介有燒茄子,十二蚊平平地叫左串 最後芝士迷癮又起 加多左個蟹子芝士軍艦廿蚊,即整芝士蟹子唔會太凍,一粒粒食得到,質量梗係好過平時食既爭x啦 好好招呼,係咁幫你加水唔會話食完趕你走,只係次次見佢咁好服務、又有人等緊,都會唔好意思霸住張枱太耐,飲埋杯茶埋單走人不過好樣衰今次唔記得o禁錢,佢只收現金,但身上一百八十蚊都唔夠,要叫返女友入黎夾錢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-03-26
堅尼地城既西餐好多,間間都想試,可惜今日下午食左西餐,所以夜晚唔想再食西餐,經朋友介紹黎左呢間居酒屋,接近8點黎到,門口仍然企左好多人等位,原來除左等堂食,好多人都係等外賣本身以為入到去會有另一d餐牌,但原來都係同外賣一樣既點菜紙鵝肝,海膽,蟹膏鵝肝香而不口漏海膽鮮味帶點咸味蟹膏味濃郁唔腥,帶一點旦王味牡丹蝦好鮮甜,肉質好實餐廳既燒物全部較好水準以上,煮得岩岩好白鱔皮香肉脆蠔好鮮甜蕃薯仔如果加番一d蜜糖會更為吸引最後叫左兩樣送酒小食,味道都係水準之內刺身拼盤係唯一令人失望既一道除左三文魚肥美香滑外其他都沒有鮮味,好急凍味最嚴重係吞拿魚未解凍好,仲有薄冰係面食完海膽壽司本身想叫一板海膽,但已經無貨,有d失望同埋要注意小店只收現金 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)