3-min walk from Exit A, Jordan MTR Station
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Located in the Tong Lau (tenement building), a three-storey cafe serves a variety of coffee, special drinks and pastries. Implementing the humorous style of sister restaurant Mamaday, the decoration and dish names are unique.
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Additional Information
自助 coffee shop, 毋須訂位, 售賣各種咖啡、蛋糕, 暫時沒有熟食, 歡迎外賣
Opening Hours
*19:00-19:30 (takeaway only )
Mon - Sun
08:30 - 19:00
Public Holiday
08:30 - 19:00
Public Holiday Eve
08:30 - 19:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
有一日無意中發現既幾層cafe☕️有隻猫店主坐鎮,佢完全唔怕陌生人,直接係你大髀訓著😝早餐有幾款選擇,我揀咗bagel with black truffle scramble egg😙 bagel有得揀blueberry or tomato 🤓食物中上咖啡可以揀fruity or nutty,亦都係唔錯😍
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+• Amazing decor & building• Perfect photo spot• Friendly cats-• We were served sour oat milk• Unwelcoming staff• Throw away plates etc being used for dine in, whilst having large amount of staff that could be used to save the business money & be more mindful of environmental impact
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想約FD放假一齊Chill下傾下計,影靚相,Mamaday Studio就岩晒你,呢度除左有飲品甜品,仲有大量打卡位,可以同朋友仔盡情影靚相☺️係繁忙既城市生活中享受下寧靜,充滿玩味既設計同氣氛,心情都輕鬆d😉海鹽焦糖咖啡Regular $44未飲前先欣賞下拉花☺️飲落有焦糖既香甜味,同時又飲到海鹽既咸味,咸味中和左甜味,加埋咖啡香,唔落糖味道都岩岩好😋好貴既氣泡水Standard $42氣泡水本身零卡路里,而且不含任何脂肪及糖分,相比起汽水,係個更好既選擇。唔甜又清爽,岩晒注重健康既朋友仔😉慕絲蛋糕$48普通cheese cake,唔算好甜膩。好味:3/5環境:4/5客服:3/5
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