Restaurant: Le Viet’s (Sky City)

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

All Branches (1)
The restaurant is located in Yuen Long and has an alfresco area. Thai and Vietnamese cuisine is offered. Their signature Pho is cooked with US grain-fed Angus beef and homemade beef broth. Tomato broth and chicken broth noodles, Thai curry and barbecue dishes are also available to choose from. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
天氣凍,特別想飲熱辣辣嘅冬陰公湯,😋飲每次完成身都會暖晒😆所以揀左食天空之城入面呢間越泰菜餐廳🥢呢間餐廳整體食物質素都唔錯,最出色係牛油雞中翼,好香牛油蒜香味,外好脆內軟,$88有8隻,有呢個質素算抵食啊,其他就不過不失啦,牛坑腩實確韌左少少🤏而最👎扣分係店員時不時係門口附近吸煙🚬, 啲煙味攻入店內,搞到我一邊進食一邊聞到陣陣煙味,感覺唔太舒服🫣🫢同埋無咩服務,但就有加一服務費😅冬陰公大蝦湯(小) $118牛坑腩湯河 $68牛坑腩韌左少少🤏越式牛油雞中翼 $88呢個好好食👍👍👍👍馬拉盞炒通菜 $78雞肉豬肉串燒 (半打) $88 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-18
琴日同朋友踩單車去到元朗錦田🚴見到有個地方叫天空之城🤣入面有好多吾同嘅餐廳而我地就簡左間食泰國菜🇹🇭 越南菜🇻🇳嘅餐廳我地坐左係餐廳戶外嘅地方方便我地睇住架單車🤫而我叫左個泰式炒雞河 凍奶茶🥤泰式炒雞河🍝上枱嘅時候聞到好香 好夠鑊氣🔥賣相黎講都吾差 河粉嘅色都夠深色🤣雞塊份量都吾少 所以食落夠飽肚☺️不過味道就差咁少少🤏 吾夠入味所以都加左兩三次辣醬黎提升個味🫣凍奶茶🥤就咁叫左正常嘅奶茶少甜但啲奶落嘅份量太多 而且茶底吾夠香濃所以味道黎講偏向奶味多啲😂最後埋單每人$65 正常餐廳價錢🍴都ok嘅🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-07-10
星期五晚來天空之城,好多餐廳都有位,唔使排隊。行咗一個圈之後,我哋揀咗呢間食越南菜~原本我哋坐喺外邊,點知可能夜晚落雨,好多飛蟻,服務員好好,即刻幫我哋安排坐返喺入面。小食拼盤每樣試一下,都幾好味~ 如果有幾個人都建議叫呢個。越南春卷選擇唔多,我哋揀咗扎肉越南春卷串燒(可以兩個肉雙拼)熱辣辣,味道都幾好~ 青咖喱只有咖喱,飯要另外叫。不過不失。越南生牛肉粉湯底也算正宗~ 三個人呢個份量已經好足夠,大家都食飽飽~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-05-01
平日夜晚嚟到好多位冇咩人🫣 店員服務態度幾好老細好似係個後生仔🤔 見到廚師都係正宗泰國人🫶🏻 優點係可以免費泊車👏🏻- 咖喱大蝦 黃咖喱汁好濃郁好香 用嚟點蒜蓉包撈飯或者薄餅都好正😛 都有唔少蔬菜配料例如洋蔥青椒等等 咖喱就幾好食啦不過隻蝦太老唔彈牙 下次可能會叫軟殼蟹或者其他配料🤔- 蒜蓉包 擺盤幾啱打卡幾得意 打開冇記錯係六大條厚多士整成 都脆身幾香不過蒜蓉牛油味都唔重🤔 下次可能會叫薄餅🤫- 馬拉盞炒通菜 辣辣地好入味 份量唔算多 偏油不過好多泰菜都係咁👌🏼- 泰式生蝦 好新鮮彈牙好食😋 推介!!- 珍多冰 建議下次叫少冰🤫 夠甜重奶味👍🏻- 椰青 老細三兩下手勢好快就開咗個椰青🤣🤣 清甜好飲👍🏻 不過椰肉比較難刮出嚟食🤔店員仲好好最後送咗兩件泰式糕點俾我哋試吓 見到佢哋仲即場整緊 正🫶🏻👍🏻❤️泰國餐廳來講呢度算好乾淨坐得舒服闊落👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-05-21
這天趁假期到新界自駕遊,去到錦田附近找地方食午餐,就到朋友介紹的好方:位於元朗錦田的天空之城,這裡有很多車位供餐廳客人泊車,車位就在這一帶的餐廳外面,而且是不收泊車費的。心越位置就在這大黃蜂正行入去便是,餐廳不大但有室內及室外位置,由於天氣實在太熱,當然坐在室內有冷氣坐位。午餐價錢$60包飲品,確實便宜。泰式濕炒牛河及燒豬頸肉飯,加$10可加配小食一客。食物賣相一般,但味道不錯,加上可免費泊車,是自駕人士一個不錯的落腳點。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)