本人認同以下七子食評。I went to this 鴛鴦 "restaurant" a few days ago with a small group of people. According to the Food and Environmental Hygene Department that this eatery is only in the process of applying for a restaurant licence, and is therefore currently operating without proper licence....This is a short recount of my disappointment: (各位網友不好意思,因爲時間關係,中英夾雜,於我,打英文比中文快)I was told (and read elsewhere) this restaurant started off as a private kitchen 私房菜 in the New Territories. The reason, really, why an
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I went to this 鴛鴦 "restaurant" a few days ago with a small group of people.
According to the Food and Environmental Hygene Department that this eatery is only in the process of applying for a restaurant licence, and is therefore currently operating without proper licence....
This is a short recount of my disappointment: (各位網友不好意思,因爲時間關係,中英夾雜,於我,打英文比中文快)
I was told (and read elsewhere) this restaurant started off as a private kitchen 私房菜 in the New Territories. The reason, really, why any one would pay a premium to custom a “private” operation that is not paying tax while making money, nor subject to any health and safety regulations, is that it has reputation for good food, and that was what we expected when we decided to occasion this extension of a private kitchen that had received so much media attention. I don't think the day we went lived up to popular expectations at all in terms of food quality, service nor safety.
- Apetitzers:
蝦冰蟹醬 "Dream Team"
The prawns were simply steamed and served with conditments which the serving staff cannot identify.... The eatery apparently ran out of the larger prawns, and as we were a group of 7, we were served 6 big prawns and 1 small shrimp! It was not until we complained properly that the attendant returned the small shrimp to kitchen, and 3 small shrimps were given to us to replace the missing big one. No apologies, and the finality of the lady chef's comment (being relayed to us) that three small ones are good replacements for the bigger ones, hinted the sort of treatment we can expect for the rest of the evening...
野家拼 "Organic Seasonal Sampler/Homemade Preserves"
Vegetables were allegedly grown at the chef's farm. Apparently Yin Yang's vegetables are so precious that, each person is only entitled to ONE STRAND of a sweet potato sprout and ONE QUARTER OF A SLICE of beetroot!
When asked where the seafood forming apetitzers (prawns and mini crabs) came from, the lady chef claimed she did not know. Since they did not come from her organic farm, the owner is then not so concerned...?
石燒老湯 "Terracotta soup"
Soup was served out of order (it was the first item on the menu). A bit too salty, not hot enough, and the crab (unshelled) was in the way in the bowl making it hard for one to take the soup.
- Mains:
海鮮 (綜合以上以及主菜各項) - 欠缺鮮味,稍“刄“(tough),看來貨源不比一般的海鮮酒家好。
石磨鴛鴦豆腐 - 好看,看得出用了功夫,但既不香,也不清甜,有點兩頭不到岸。
黃土雞 - 沒有雞味,方法需要改良,因爲太乾,太咸,吃不到一些前文(下)提到的肉味。彭慶記、甚至馬會中菜部的雞好吃多了。
玻璃青菜 - 這道菜真的比較過分,用類似XO醬的醬(因爲服務員自己也搞不懂)把菜溼抄,上菜時青菜已黃已老賴在一盤汁當中,這道菜幾乎無人碰過。 就算青菜是自己種的,也不能否決味道、做功、(甚至)賣相的重要性吧--香港很多酒家、酒店也會自己種或採購各種基本或特別香料等物,但也未嘗看見有一家會因此放棄了對食物的基本要求。
跟紅頂白(烤豬) - 各項中比較出色的一道菜,皮脆,肉鬆化,但不值得爲此付700大元吧,分量也實在太太太少了。如果不與提供的醬料和在一起吃,會太咸以及欠缺食物的複雜感,但醬料的分量不夠,向服務員提出了也沒有跟進。也搞不懂為什麽會用一個這樣的名字; 但如果這是藝術上的堅持,沒話可說...
生死戀(活海鮮鴛鴦飯)** - 烤得很乾偏脆的雙色飯(味道之分別不明顯)和上面的墨魚以燒熱了的扁大鐡窩出場;沒有什麽墨魚的味道沒有落到飯上,墨魚跟飯好像是完全分開的。墨魚沒有調味,可能是爲了保存海鮮的鮮味,可惜嚼下去墨魚還是沒有什麽特別,反而飯顯得很熱,但墨魚又不夠熱,也沒有味道。
** 由於此飯是用一個燒熱了的扁大鐡窩盛載,但服務員拿來了以後沒有作出任何提醒或安全安排就把燒熱了的鐡盤放在轉盤的邊緣,又把金屬的勺放到盤上共我們自由分派,令吾友不慎把手燙傷了,也當場紅腫了,但鴛鴦方面只有服務員把燙火膏借出,連廚師看見也沒有説話/安排,作害的鐡盤的位置也沒有被更正。這道菜實在太危險了,有關方面缺乏應變的技巧和安全意識也實在令人側目,也替以後的食客擔心。
- Desserts:
因爲不清楚是賣口感還是味道 (因爲各方面都有點怪怪的),既不傳統也不特別好吃,試驗性質很重,不詳提了。
- Overall:
Definitely not worth the price ($680 per head plus 10% service charge), and not living up to its reputation.
- Settings and safety
Stairs are VERY slippery and the hand railings for the stairs (one side only) are loose.

(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Spending Per Head