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週末逛完書展,心血來潮想試試新景園咖喱豬扒飯,便去碰碰運氣。餐廳6時半晚市開門,我們6時到達已見一條長長的人龍,最後邊看書邊等,約8時半才可入座,真佩服我們的毅力,整天都在排隊。。咖喱豬扒飯🍛 $94 (🌟9/10)來到必嘗名物咖喱豬扒飯,一上碟份量令人驚訝,兩大塊巨型即炸豬扒金黃酥脆,肥瘦適中,炸漿亦相當薄身,不會與肉分離,單吃已經非常美味,飯的份量也是多得誇張,不想浪費的建議叫少飯~飯另附一碗咖喱汁,咖喱比平常茶餐廳的港式咖喱偏辣和香口,後勁凌厲,薯仔非常入味,但單評咖喱汁未有驚艷得非要排隊不可,試一次就好了🤫加$10 轉套餐有油菜+汽水/例湯 Sun King Yuen is renowned for its mega curry pork chop rice across the territory. Despite the high price ($94 a plate), the portion size and presentation really make us exclaim “WOW” to the table. Their pork chops are deep
咖喱豬扒飯🍛 $94 (🌟9/10)
加$10 轉套餐有油菜+汽水/例湯
Sun King Yuen is renowned for its mega curry pork chop rice across the territory. Despite the high price ($94 a plate), the portion size and presentation really make us exclaim “WOW” to the table. Their pork chops are deep fried to order and served searing hot. The meat is tender with little fat or tendon. The crispy layer outside is very thin and it does a great job in keeping the meat moist. Underneath the two hefty, golden brown chops is a huge portion of rice.
The curry comes separately in a bowl with pieces of soft boiled potatoes inside. It is much spicier than the HK-style curries in typical cha chaan tengs. But I won’t queue up again for two hours just for the “specialty” curry.