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🍔Tipsy Burger🍟威士忌雙重芝士手打牛肉漢堡Whiskey Beef Burger🍔加入酒精嘅漢堡大概係呢間店名嘅由來。有威士忌,有伏特加,有日本嘅燒酎,有朗姆酒。漢堡入面嘅手打牛肉厚厚又多汁嘅,令人無法抗拒。通常酒精會在上菜前早已蒸發,但Tipsy Burger 細心哋將威士忌放入滴管,所以我哋先可以俾相機食完之後,再按自己嘅節奏滴入威士忌。🍟Alcohol-infused burgers are probably the origin of the restaurant's name. The alcohol available here are Whiskey, Vodka, Shochu and Rum. The meaty and juicy beef in the burger is irresistible. Usually the alcohol evaporates long before serving, but Tipsy Burger thoughtfully puts the Whisky into the dropper, so we can ta
Whiskey Beef Burger
🍔加入酒精嘅漢堡大概係呢間店名嘅由來。有威士忌,有伏特加,有日本嘅燒酎,有朗姆酒。漢堡入面嘅手打牛肉厚厚又多汁嘅,令人無法抗拒。通常酒精會在上菜前早已蒸發,但Tipsy Burger 細心哋將威士忌放入滴管,所以我哋先可以俾相機食完之後,再按自己嘅節奏滴入威士忌。
🍟Alcohol-infused burgers are probably the origin of the restaurant's name. The alcohol available here are Whiskey, Vodka, Shochu and Rum. The meaty and juicy beef in the burger is irresistible. Usually the alcohol evaporates long before serving, but Tipsy Burger thoughtfully puts the Whisky into the dropper, so we can take our time to take a few pictures of the burger with admiration before dripping in the Whisky at our own pace.
🍟In the burger, the combination of semi-melted double cheese and beef gravy gives the burger a even more enticing taste. Lettuce, tomato, onion and other ingredients, basic but indispensable, they neutralise the fatty feeling of the burger and add a touch of freshness. The hamburger bun is also soft, airy and sweet.
Chips with Cheese
🍔Eating a hamburger with Chips is like putting on lipstick when doing makeup, it gives a sense of completion and perfection. The Chips comes with the cheddar cheese sauce, which drives the cheese fans crazy. And suddenly the traditional chips’ condiment tomato sauce sitting quietly on the side looks a bit pale in comparison.