我會說在紅磡為數不多的拉麵, 它算是做得不錯, 和拉麵天王處於同一個水平. 除了拉麵款式夠平均外, 處理水準也在合格之上. 從前喜歡吃拉麵店本身有的款式, 近來則對其隱藏款式或特別版更有興趣, 像扭蛋般有時會有驚喜, 今次吃到的是鯛蜆白湯風味, 也算不錯. 湯底用上鯛魚和蜆, 鹹鮮香夠而且不會太濃烈, 也不會破壞其他食材的味道. 相比起魚介味, 同樣也更易入口. 麵身硬而堅挺, 爽口且直身, 掛汁能力不算是十分重要出色, 但沾在麵身的味道還可以算可以.配料的叉燒最為喜歡, 這令我麵處一家的版本, 就是炙燒和慢煮一齊的版本. 前者烤得焦香而不乾身, 依然保持脂肉相間的口感; 後者夠腍, 味道也夠舒. 相反洋蔥的味道有點嗆, 辛辣帶微澀, 稍稍破壞拉麵本身味道, 有點可惜. 至於煎餃表現中規中矩, 肉汁夠而內餡也香, 外皮夠薄, 如果再脆一點就更完美.Butadouraku is one of the not that many ramen stalls in Hong Hum. Chef is very confident to the ramen. I have ordered the
湯底用上鯛魚和蜆, 鹹鮮香夠而且不會太濃烈, 也不會破壞其他食材的味道. 相比起魚介味, 同樣也更易入口. 麵身硬而堅挺, 爽口且直身, 掛汁能力不算是十分重要出色, 但沾在麵身的味道還可以算可以.
配料的叉燒最為喜歡, 這令我麵處一家的版本, 就是炙燒和慢煮一齊的版本. 前者烤得焦香而不乾身, 依然保持脂肉相間的口感; 後者夠腍, 味道也夠舒. 相反洋蔥的味道有點嗆, 辛辣帶微澀, 稍稍破壞拉麵本身味道, 有點可惜. 至於煎餃表現中規中矩, 肉汁夠而內餡也香, 外皮夠薄, 如果再脆一點就更完美.
Butadouraku is one of the not that many ramen stalls in Hong Hum. Chef is very confident to the ramen. I have ordered the snapper with clams flavour that is good in texture and taste. Not that spicy and can have the original taste. The noodles is firm enough and two style of pork slices with bbq and slow cooked version are excellent. However the onion added affect a bit for the taste and the quality of dumpling is so so.
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