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#九鼎記so faking hot summer today reaching 34°C what a melting temperature. i dont want walk to far to find food and let have a try on this place. as i said before, every resto deserve a chance.the place here small and narrow. quite not enuf air-con. not much people consider this a an appropriateplace to enjoy lunch.i order beef belly with rice. portion big for me. half bowl of viggie below make this thing healthy. tinder meat and juicy. strong cow taste. very terms of location 70$ is reaso
so faking hot summer today reaching 34°C what a melting temperature. i dont want walk to far to find food and let have a try on this place. as i said before, every resto deserve a chance.
the place here small and narrow. quite not enuf air-con. not much people consider this a an appropriate
place to enjoy lunch.
i order beef belly with rice. portion big for me. half bowl of viggie below make this thing healthy. tinder meat and juicy. strong cow taste. very good.
in terms of location 70$ is reasonable.
in terms of quality, superb.
will come back❤️