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味道濃郁的東京豚骨雞骨湯,赤忍微辣偏咸叉燒肉味香濃,半熟蛋味道不錯,炸雞腿嫩口入味.不突出但有誠意.可以一試.Pretty salty, collegin filled tonkotsuSlightly similar to Nagahama styleVery good char siu, Good eggJuicy,meaty fried chicken;Not exceptional but not bad.I initially wanted to go to the "Hakata Ramen" at Sham Shui Po but it closes at ... 8:00 p.m. so I came here instead.Did Tokyo Ninja got the 2012 Ramen Champion? I seem to see a poster stating that.If they did, it has to be those outfits! Imagine the will power, (courage) and stamina requir
Pretty salty, collegin filled tonkotsu
Slightly similar to Nagahama style
Very good char siu, Good egg
Juicy,meaty fried chicken;
Not exceptional but not bad.
I initially wanted to go to the "Hakata Ramen" at Sham Shui Po but it closes at ... 8:00 p.m. so I came here instead.
Did Tokyo Ninja got the 2012 Ramen Champion? I seem to see a poster stating that.
If they did, it has to be those outfits!
Imagine the will power, (courage) and stamina required to make ramen in a boiling hot kitchen - in a Ninja's outfit! That's something to be proud of.
Tokyo Ninja serves a few types of ramens as shown in the video below:
Red Ninja: Spicy tonkotsu ramen.
White Ninja: Original tonkotsu ramen.
Black Ninja: Tonkotsu ramen with garlic oil.
Yellow Ninja: Curry tonkotsu ramen
Blue Ninja: Raw ramen in a bowl of cold water
- just joking.
Naturally, I ordered the Spicy tonkotsu ramen plus a portion of fried chicken.
After not too long a wait, my ramen arrived:
Hakata style thin ramen. I didn't specify the hardness. The hardness came as average. Not bad. No complaints. However, I definitely suggest ordering the hardest available.
Most similar to Nagahama No.1 but a lot saltier. The "Red" (Ninja?) wasn't too spicy. Nevertheless, at least the chili powder, the tempered amount of garlic and quite a lot of onions gave it a kick and it integrated with the slightly "sticky" tonkotsu broth well.
I prefer the spicy version at Nagahama No.1. It's less salty and the chili paste was very good!
However, it's not bad here. Those who prefer salt taste instead of chili might like it.
Onions: I noticed that they used two types. One wasn't marinated in anything (perhaps only sesame oil??) and another type was marinated in chili powder. It's quite important to mix those onions into the broth to add complexity to the taste.
Egg: Pretty good. The egg had egg taste - which should not be taken for granted. The egg white was properly marinated but the taste wasn't overwhelming. The egg yoke was a bit runny and was also very flavourful. Good.
It's about 1cm thick cut but still very tender. Very aromatic meat flavour. Probably the best char siu out of the previous three I've tried at Ramen Champion (namely, Muso, Bario and Eda no Uta.)
The health conscious will hate it but others will probably die for it - no pun intended.
Fried chicken:
The fried chicken chunks were surprisingly good!
Crispy batter with very tender chicken meat. A small plate of pepper salt was provided.
Good stuff. Worth a try.
It's getting more and more crowded at Ramen Champion but it's still relatively easy to get a seat.
Good service. Smiling staff, including the two Ninjas. The staff brought me the fried chicken as the ramen was ready before the fried chicken.
One quibble was with the general shop staff. Not every table had a jug of tea. When one of the Japanese managers told a staff to give me a jug of tea, this seemed to have provoked an overreaction from the staff. She refused to listen to him.
Eventually, the Japanese manager gave it to me personally. Very strange. ??
Although I prefer Tetsuya, Nagahama No.1 and Bario over here, fans of tonkotsu/chicken broths who prefer a stronger, saltier taste might like it.
I suggest ordered the hardest noodle.
The egg was good and the char siu was aromatic. If you don't mind the large amount of fat, it might be something to die for.
The fried chicken was good. Worth a try.
So far, I would consider returned to Bario and to a lesser extent Muso. However, I won't rule out challenging the Yellow Ninja someday!
Other Info. :
FYI: The Eda no Uta has gone and already replaced by a noodle shop from Sapporo. The Sapporo ramen shop specializes in Miso ramen, as expected. They also have Japanese curry rice available.
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)