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Cordis酒店隔離的旺角熟食市場, 平時很少接觸, 因為以旺角來說, 這裏並不算方便到達, 特別是要從朗豪坊找個特別入口進內, 又或者從酒店地下行過去, 附近位置也有其他選擇. 來到熟食市場, 由於這裏沒有街市, 所以比較乾淨, 坐得也較舒服. 當中以主理泰國菜的這家人流最多, 所以就選擇了這間.雖說這裏主打海南雞, 但最近吃雞類料理, 吃得有點煩厭, 於是點了泰式豬手飯. 五十多元一份已是香港午餐的中位數, 豬手和飯份量夠填飽我的肚子, 抵食度OK. 鹵水汁偏甜, 豬手的皮和肉從顏色可見, 煮得相當入味. 皮夠爽彈, 肉質不算嫩滑, 也未到死實, 水準合格但沒驚喜. 添加的豬頸肉, 看似烤得很乾, 但吃起來外脆內嫩, 脂肉層次分明, 還有黑椒辛香, 比豬手表現得更好.Thai Style Hainan Chicken is at the food centre near Cordis hotel. The accessibility is not that convenient but because of the government operated, the price is
雖說這裏主打海南雞, 但最近吃雞類料理, 吃得有點煩厭, 於是點了泰式豬手飯. 五十多元一份已是香港午餐的中位數, 豬手和飯份量夠填飽我的肚子, 抵食度OK. 鹵水汁偏甜, 豬手的皮和肉從顏色可見, 煮得相當入味. 皮夠爽彈, 肉質不算嫩滑, 也未到死實, 水準合格但沒驚喜. 添加的豬頸肉, 看似烤得很乾, 但吃起來外脆內嫩, 脂肉層次分明, 還有黑椒辛香, 比豬手表現得更好.
Thai Style Hainan Chicken is at the food centre near Cordis hotel. The accessibility is not that convenient but because of the government operated, the price is much cheaper than others. I have tried the pork knuckle rice as I am quite fed up with the chicken recently. The brine is nice and sweet. The meat of pork knuckle is quite hard and less soft. The pork collar is much better than it.