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🌸🌼🌈✨🪐🍭🍬🍡在香港售賣特色馬卡龍的地方很罕見,而Ohiyo各款可愛造型的macaroon絕對俘虜了我的心!🤍當天下午去已經差不多賣光,只剩下兩款口味可供選擇(๑´0`๑)🍡紅桑子開心果味一直都好鍾意所有開心果所製成的甜品~ 而這兩款口味配搭在一起則有酸酸甜甜的感覺,很開胃(*¯︶¯*)而且粉嫩色的蛋白餅很打卡able📸🌽粟米濃湯味是很有創意的口味(♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) 除了甜味還有點鹹鹹的,其實味道不算有很大驚喜😂勝在甜度適中┈┈┈┈┈┈┈What could go wrong with some delightfully colourful macaroon? Ohiyo in Kwun Tong serves macaroons in a wide array of flavours and shapes & forms - perfectly get my sweet craving fixed! 🥰Regrettably, there were only 2 types of macaroons left when I visited the shop after work. I
一直都好鍾意所有開心果所製成的甜品~ 而這兩款口味配搭在一起則有酸酸甜甜的感覺,很開胃(*¯︶¯*)而且粉嫩色的蛋白餅很打卡able📸
是很有創意的口味(♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) 除了甜味還有點鹹鹹的,其實味道不算有很大驚喜😂勝在甜度適中
What could go wrong with some delightfully colourful macaroon? Ohiyo in Kwun Tong serves macaroons in a wide array of flavours and shapes & forms - perfectly get my sweet craving fixed! 🥰
Regrettably, there were only 2 types of macaroons left when I visited the shop after work. I tried 🍓𝙍𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙭 𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙤𝙨 and🌽 𝘾𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙥 ones, both are not too sweet with an optimal amount of cream. Proud to say that I devoured all of them on my own, as they are refreshing with a hint of fruitiness and nuttiness.