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最近我去咗百利冰室,呢間茶餐廳真係好有懷舊感,無論係裝潢定係菜單都好吸引🥰💫 💫蝦多士 $78 呢個蝦多士真係唔可以錯過!外脆內軟,蝦肉鮮嫩,配上香脆的多士,簡直係完美嘅組合😋 每一口都令人驚喜,蝦味濃郁,仲有少少香草味,食完仲想再來一份!而且搭配一杯凍奶茶,絕對係最佳選擇。 💫凍奶茶 $25 凍奶茶係香港人嘅最愛,呢杯奶茶真係好滑順🥛 加上冰塊後更加清涼,夏天飲正好!雖然有啲人話飲完會肚瀉,但我覺得只要唔飲得太多就冇問題啦🤣 甜度適中,非常解渴! 🎵🎵🎵Indulge in the classic flavors of Hong Kong at 百利冰室, where the shrimp toast and iced milk tea create a delightful culinary experience. Perfect for a casual meal or a quick snack, this spot captures the essence of local dining culture.
💫蝦多士 $78
呢個蝦多士真係唔可以錯過!外脆內軟,蝦肉鮮嫩,配上香脆的多士,簡直係完美嘅組合😋 每一口都令人驚喜,蝦味濃郁,仲有少少香草味,食完仲想再來一份!而且搭配一杯凍奶茶,絕對係最佳選擇。
💫凍奶茶 $25
凍奶茶係香港人嘅最愛,呢杯奶茶真係好滑順🥛 加上冰塊後更加清涼,夏天飲正好!雖然有啲人話飲完會肚瀉,但我覺得只要唔飲得太多就冇問題啦🤣 甜度適中,非常解渴!
Indulge in the classic flavors of Hong Kong at 百利冰室, where the shrimp toast and iced milk tea create a delightful culinary experience. Perfect for a casual meal or a quick snack, this spot captures the essence of local dining culture.