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I went to Watami Central for lunch around 3 weeks ago.. it's a new product: stone rice $53 + 10%... how come it's only a small bowl of rice with: 1. 蛋絲 2. 蔥粒 3. 紫菜絲 4. 紅羅蔔絲 5. 肉碎 (all in 1 spoon size) (重有一樣唔知係咩).... 我要換但Central branch 不換, 只係加了少少蛋 & 肉 (但結果都係1 spoon size for each) 我去 customer services 投訴... 果CS Miss Choy 居然話: 你可以唔俾 $ ga... 俾咁多你食你重會 order 其他食品咩.........同佢district manager Mr Lam 投訴都係話佢地係照足指引..不會賠償.... 我要求同佢地management 直接對話, 但 Watami 公司不會覆.. 大家評下理啦我無法將相片放在此給大家看... 只能形容為d 食材好似一個八卦咁, 好
我無法將相片放在此給大家看... 只能形容為d 食材好似一個八卦咁, 好少好少一堆放在飯面... 而每樣'送'都是一小spoon 份量... Watami 話有 20-30 gm.!!!!!!!!!..
味道方面: 全部 (except 蛋絲 , 肉碎) 都係配料: 都是生的.. 冇味... 肉碎好甜...
總的來講: 只係一白飯上放了一些配料... $60 值嗎??????
Other Info. :
我冇用任何 coupon... 只有 Aeon credit card 5% discount... I've ordered 2 set lunch... the 2nd one was beef rice.. d 飯係凍ge...
(我同 customer services 投訴, 該女職員答: 俾咁多你食, 你重會 order 其他食品咩.....)
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)