片皮鴨的味道很普通,主要是每一片皮切得太多肉了;其餘的菜,不知何解,都不太熱,所以怎麼可能好吃?!東坡肉,入口肥膩是想像中的事,但可惜,除了肥膩,還是肥膩⋯⋯值得一讚的兩味菜,炒萵筍和鍋貼!萵筍被切成長長的一條條,很爽口👍🏼 鍋貼的肉汁能被鎖住,不錯!
I loved Peking Garden very much when I was small, especially the dish of Peking duck and the performance of hand made noodle. Yet, everything has changed now, the Peking duck is not that professional anymore with too many meat cut; most of the dishes were not hot enough for tasting; even so, there were still many travellers and they seemed enjoying the dishes much … Perhaps this is the different preference between me and them…!