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我最鍾意嘅係啤酒 雖然聽落好麻甩 但係我最鍾意佢個種飲落去啲氣ja個一下🤓呢間bar專飲手工啤 佢地選舉眾多 試過幾隻都好中 店員仲好熱心咁介紹 個人好中意呢一間☺️個人推介大吉大利(偏酸 但吉味濃郁 似飲緊吉嘅汁🤤) 山霧 (果味好重 有回甘) 55%小麥(有香蕉味 偏淡) 大家不妨去試試! 當日我仲叫左個芝士拼盤 呢個就中規中矩無咩特別😆As a big fan of beer, you really can’t miss this out! 🤪 This bar specializes in craft beer. With a wide selection, I have a few favorites there already! 😌 The staff was doing their job well, as they explained different beer on the menu patiently to me. You can tell they are clearly enthusiastic with the job. I recommend Good Ku
呢間bar專飲手工啤 佢地選舉眾多 試過幾隻都好中 店員仲好熱心咁介紹 個人好中意呢一間☺️
個人推介大吉大利(偏酸 但吉味濃郁 似飲緊吉嘅汁🤤) 山霧 (果味好重 有回甘) 55%小麥(有香蕉味 偏淡) 大家不妨去試試! 當日我仲叫左個芝士拼盤 呢個就中規中矩無咩特別😆
As a big fan of beer, you really can’t miss this out! 🤪 This bar specializes in craft beer. With a wide selection, I have a few favorites there already! 😌 The staff was doing their job well, as they explained different beer on the menu patiently to me. You can tell they are clearly enthusiastic with the job.
I recommend Good Kumquat (quite sour, feel like drinking mandarin juice, refreshing) Mountain Mist (strong lychee and passion fruit flavor, bitter aftertaste) and 55% Wheat (banana flavor, smooth).
I also got a cheese platter, which was average. Overall, this bar is definitely worth a visit! FYI they have another store in TST☺️