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在元朗想吃個簡單的Working Lunch, 來到這家面積不大, 裝修簡單的橋底西餐廳. 第一個給我的印象是定價相當佛心, 例如是New York Strip的午餐也是六十多元, 即焗焗飯五十多元, 而我吃的蟹膏蟹肉燴飯, 一看已知足料, 連餐湯和餐茶一百元有找, 在這百物騰貴的香港也算是難得.一看飯身上面邪惡非常的黃金蟹膏醬, 就知道其澎湃, 沒有任何腥味, 有的就是鮮味和鮮味, 口感順滑, 醬汁平均沾在飯身上, 雖說不是完全的蟹膏, 應該還有一些忌廉和蛋黃, 但無論色彩和味道上也夠滋味. 蟹肉份量同樣慷慨, 淡淡肉, 只是鮮味被濃烈的蟹膏醬蓋過了, 有點可惜. 飯身堅挺, 粒粒分明, 沒有因為豐富的汁醬令其糊化. 綜合質素和價錢, 這燴飯表現相當不錯, 物超所值.August Summer is a low profile restaurant at Yuen Long. Her cuisine is heartful and worthy trying. My working lunch was the crab cream meat risotto with crab cre
一看飯身上面邪惡非常的黃金蟹膏醬, 就知道其澎湃, 沒有任何腥味, 有的就是鮮味和鮮味, 口感順滑, 醬汁平均沾在飯身上, 雖說不是完全的蟹膏, 應該還有一些忌廉和蛋黃, 但無論色彩和味道上也夠滋味. 蟹肉份量同樣慷慨, 淡淡肉, 只是鮮味被濃烈的蟹膏醬蓋過了, 有點可惜. 飯身堅挺, 粒粒分明, 沒有因為豐富的汁醬令其糊化. 綜合質素和價錢, 這燴飯表現相當不錯, 物超所值.
August Summer is a low profile restaurant at Yuen Long. Her cuisine is heartful and worthy trying. My working lunch was the crab cream meat risotto with crab cream sauce. The taste was so fresh and not gamey at all. The crab meat is abundant although it’s taste was a bit masked by the crab cream. The texture of risotto was firm enough even the crab cream sauce was so thick. Within $100 budget, I cannot find many restaurant can offer such good lunch.