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🍴 НК RESTAURANT WEEK $438 另收加一 (5/10)Beef Steak Tartare (8/10)Diced Prime Beef, Capers, Gherkins and Parsley, Toasted Sourdough and Pickled Beetroot 牛肉他他有蛋黃喺上面可以撈勻一齊食,配咗兩塊麵包,味道食落酸酸地都幾開胃,麵包有烤過乾身,好食的。Carpaccio of Yellow Fin Tuna a la Niçoise +$30 (7/10)Semi Dried Tomatoes, French Beans, Black Olive Tapenade, Chive Oil and Quails Eggs 係吞拿魚,食落幾軟腍,有香草橄欖油香,有脆片同蛋都幾香!1885 Black Angus Rib-Eye (350g) +$100 (5/10)Served with Fries and a choice of Sauceeppercorn/ Bearnaise/ Café de Poris Butter or冇薯條❓講真個肉質就
Beef Steak Tartare (8/10)
Diced Prime Beef, Capers, Gherkins and Parsley, Toasted Sourdough and Pickled Beetroot 牛肉他他有蛋黃喺上面可以撈勻一齊食,配咗兩塊麵包,味道食落酸酸地都幾開胃,麵包有烤過乾身,好食的。
Carpaccio of Yellow Fin Tuna a la Niçoise +$30 (7/10)
Semi Dried Tomatoes, French Beans, Black Olive Tapenade, Chive Oil and Quails Eggs 係吞拿魚,食落幾軟腍,有香草橄欖油香,有脆片同蛋都幾香!
1885 Black Angus Rib-Eye (350g) +$100 (5/10)
Served with Fries and a choice of Sauce:
Peppercorn/ Bearnaise/ Café de Poris Butter or
Grilled Dingley Dell Pork Chop (350g) (0/10)
Hispi Cabbage, Roasted Apricots, Sherry and Mustard Sauce 個豬勁鞋口,好乾身,個底啲椰菜好苦,又冇汁,好難食….
Lemon Posset (7/10)
Citrus and Poppy Seed Madeleines 個蛋糕乾身得嚟有檸檬香又唔甜,但慕絲偏酸幾清新。
Dark Chocolate Fondant +$30 (7/10)
Hazelnut Cream 正常發揮,有流心唔甜,朱古力味都濃。
推薦指數: 5/10
環境幾靚打到卡,但主菜勁唔得大扣分😅記得係dining city book用HSBC卡先有優惠,利申冇仔細睇差啲比唔到錢GG😂