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今次聖誕大餐終於唔係食自助餐,而係去左食高質又有特色嘅串燒omakase😍 呢間只係開左一個月左右嘅 @akiyoshi_hk 位於鰂魚涌海旁,午市主打定食;晚市主打串燒單點同omakase🍢 當中佢哋嘅即叫即燒鰻魚最受歡迎,好多打工仔都會預早打過黎落定單💘Akiyoshi is an Izakaya in Quarry Bay that specialises in yakitori and Japanese dishes such as grilled eel. 因為實在太多選擇,決定叫個「秋吉雞串燒廚師法辦」,咁就可以試曬佢地嘅招牌菜色👀 $698有齊16品料理,比起單嗌更抵食😉During dinner period, they offer a yakitori omakase menu which includes 16 items for $698 only. 前菜盛盒Assorted Appetiser 蟹子沙律由青瓜絲同蟹柳製成,豐富嘅口感搭配酸甜嘅日式蛋黃醬同鹹香嘅蟹籽變得非常開胃🥗 The crab roe salad was a mix of cucumber a
今次聖誕大餐終於唔係食自助餐,而係去左食高質又有特色嘅串燒omakase😍 呢間只係開左一個月左右嘅 @akiyoshi_hk 位於鰂魚涌海旁,午市主打定食;晚市主打串燒單點同omakase🍢 當中佢哋嘅即叫即燒鰻魚最受歡迎,好多打工仔都會預早打過黎落定單💘
Akiyoshi is an Izakaya in Quarry Bay that specialises in yakitori and Japanese dishes such as grilled eel.
因為實在太多選擇,決定叫個「秋吉雞串燒廚師法辦」,咁就可以試曬佢地嘅招牌菜色👀 $698有齊16品料理,比起單嗌更抵食😉
During dinner period, they offer a yakitori omakase menu which includes 16 items for $698 only.
Assorted Appetiser
The crab roe salad was a mix of cucumber and crab stick shreds, covered in Kewpie mayo.
Chicken Liver Pate Toast
雞肝醬甘香無腥味,放喺烘到酥脆嘅多士上面更突顯雞肝柔滑嘅口感👅 中間夾住一層薄脆嘅焦糖,中和返濃烈嘅味道🍯
The crunchy toast was topped with the thick and aromatic pate, evened out by the sweetness of the caramelised sugar in the middle.
Assorted Vegetables Tempura Platter
三種野菜分別有青椒、粟米荀同埋煮到入曬味嘅關東煮蘿蔔🍢 粉漿同油溫都調較得啱啱好,炸出香脆而唔油膩嘅外層同時保留到野菜獨有嘅鮮味🫑
Green pepper, baby corn and oden radish was coated in a golden batter which was light and not oily at all.
雖然話就話有10種燒物,不過數數下發現上左13碟🙊 除左新鮮本地雞嘅串燒,亦有其他時令嘅食材😎 雞肉串燒有鹽燒雞背肉、爽脆嘅雞胸軟骨、雞尾、少見嘅雞掌、雞腎同惹味嘅雞翼🔥 鹹甜十足嘅汁燒串燒有雞肉大蔥同雞心,仲有炸到外脆內軟嘅唐揚雞槌🍗 我最鍾意就係免治雞肉棒,裡面有粒粒軟骨碎,同蘭王蛋黃係絕配🥚 豬第一刀串燒肉味濃郁,骨膠原豐富🐖 鹽燒牛舌芯肉汁豐富,帶有嚼勁🤪 最後竟然有吞拿魚提燈,綿密嘅魚蓉配上醬油漬蛋黃鮮味四溢,真係好有驚喜🍙
We ended up getting 13 items for this course! All their chicken comes fresh from local farms. There were 9 types of chicken skewers, with my favourite being the minced chicken stick with egg yolk on side. There were also pork shoulder and ox tongue skewers, with a surprising appearance of Tuna Chouchin for a bit of freshness.
Signature Eel Rice
新鮮鰻魚先由師傅放血同剔骨,之後喺兩側刷上醬油再攞去燒,製作出脆皮而柔軟細膩嘅肉質🐟 鰻魚油脂豐盈,蒲燒汁凸顯出魚鮮味,而珍珠米吸收曬醬汁同魚脂嘅精華,每啖都食得好滿足🥹
Fresh eel is deboned in house every day and grilled to order, creating a crispy skin and mellow fish meat. The sauce and fish oil covered each grain of rice.
Chicken Soup with Udon
用鮮雞熬成嘅濃湯厚白濃郁,充滿來自雞肉嘅精華同膠質 冬天飲返碗即刻暖曬 🍲鮮甜嘅湯底包裹著煙韌嘅烏東越食越上癮😍
The creamy soup was collagenous, packed with the essence from chicken.
The bouncy udon noodles hung onto the soup really well.
This meal ended off perfectly with taro and lychee mochi ice creams to cleanse the palate.