Valid for 3 months after purchase
Voucher Detail

主菜2 選 1 (不可重複選)

煙燻雞胸肉沙拉 1份 20 元

美式小吃拼盤 1份 18 元

飲品2 選 1 (不可重複選)

港式檸檬茶 1份 16 元

茉莉花茶 1份 15 元

最高價值 36元

團購價 19元

Redemption Period
Valid for 3 months after purchase
How To Redeem
Please manage and redeem your purchased vouchers via OpenRice Mobile Web or App.
  1. Under "My OpenRice > My Voucher"
  2. Select the voucher you want to redeem
  3. Show the voucher to restaurant staff and press "Redeem Now" for QR code scanning or PIN code entering
Terms and Conditions
  • This Voucher is non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash or any other product.
  • This Voucher cannot be resold or transferred to others.
  • This Voucher can only be redeemed once during the valid period.
  • This Voucher is a business transaction between the User and the Merchant. The Merchant is solely responsible for the provision of the products and services as stated on the Voucher and bears the relevant obligations, OpenRice shall incur no liability in connection therewith.
  • OpenRice is not liable for any losses or deletion of the Voucher by mistake.
  • 每桌最多使用1張餐飲券。/ 每桌最少使用1張餐飲券。
  • 除外日期 有效期限週末、法定假日通用/使用時間 團購券使用時間:14:00-17:00
  • 預約提醒 無需預約,消費高峰期可能需要等位/包間 不可使用包間
  • 堂食外帶 限堂食/溫馨提示 團購用戶不可同時享有商家其他優惠
  • 酒水飲料等問題,請致電商家諮詢,以商家回饋為準/如部分菜色因時令或其他不可抗因素導致無法提供,商家會以等價菜品替換,具體事宜請與商家協商
  • 使用優惠券購買團體單,有效期限以優惠券規則為準/發票資訊 本單發票由商家提供,詳情請洽商家
19 Sold