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話咁快就嚟到澳門飲飲食食之行既最後一站,尼一餐我地就決定食尼間遠近馳名既餐廳喇首先忌廉貓要多謝維園呀伯,原來佢一早就訂左檯嫁,初時忌廉貓仲擔心冇得食 因為人少少食唔到咁多,於是就決定揀兩樣有葡國菜特色既dish嚟試喇 上菜之前嚟左一籃熱辣辣脆卜卜既豬仔包配牛油,正!!雖然好吸引但係忌廉貓就好想用豬仔包配葡國雞嚟食,好似別有一番風味,於是就忍手唔食住 哇個葡國鷄一上檯,陣香味真係令人垂涎三尺。尼次係忌廉貓第一次食正宗既葡國菜,尼度既葡國鷄既汁絕對同香港既係好大分別嫁。少啲椰汁,多左唔同種類既香料同椰絲,唔似得香港個啲咁漏,用嚟送飯好開胃! 啲雞雖然應該都係冰鮮雞,但係大件夾抵食,肉質唔會話好鞋。另外,啲葡國腸好好味! 但係呢,原來忌廉貓既諗法係錯既,葡國雞配飯就係perfect match,配豬仔包就...不過值得一讚既係個豬仔包過咗咁耐都仲係咁脆 跟住就係我地期待已久既血鴨喇,因為我地都冇試過,所以佢一上檯我地就好興奮呀! 啲鴨肉又係好鬼大件 ,一咬落去好有鴨味但係一啲都唔騷,食落仲有一浸酸酸地既味,睇食評啲人話係醋,但係其實應該唔係,次果味加herbs既味道多啲。最搞笑
首先忌廉貓要多謝維園呀伯,原來佢一早就訂左檯嫁,初時忌廉貓仲擔心冇得食 因為人少少食唔到咁多,於是就決定揀兩樣有葡國菜特色既dish嚟試喇
但係呢,原來忌廉貓既諗法係錯既,葡國雞配飯就係perfect match,配豬仔包就...不過值得一讚既係個豬仔包過咗咁耐都仲係咁脆
Preparation of pressed duck
First, a duck (preferably young and plump and from Rouen) is strangled to retain its blood. The duck is then partially roasted. Its liver is ground and seasoned, then the legs and breast are removed.
The remaining carcass (including other meat, bones, and skin) is then put in a specially-designed press, similar to a wine press. Pressure is then applied to extract duck blood and other juices from the carcass. The extract is thickened and flavoured with the duck's liver, butter, and cognac, and then combined with the breast to finish cooking.
Sauce of pressed duck
Other ingredients that may be added to the sauce include foie gras, port wine, Madeira wine, and lemon. The breast is sliced and served with the sauce in a first serving; the legs are broiled and served as the next course.
原來個醬汁係有檸檬汁同酒嫁,唔怪得個身會無端端咁興啦 食完尼餐令我地見識增進了不少,有機會再嚟過澳門試過第二間葡國菜餐廳啦!