+853 81188822
A French restaurant located inside a hotel, with grand atmosphere. If you visit here during tea time, don’t hesitate to order the “ Eiffel Tower” afternoon tea set, which is so good looking and suitable for photo shooting. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
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10% Service Charge
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
The Eiffel Seafood Tower Steak Tartare Le Plateau de Charcuterie Escargots de Bourgogne Bisque de Homard Souffle Framboise et mangue
Review (37)
Level4 2024-12-14
谁家好人吃自助餐,还不忘吃个苹果啊🍎波士顿龙虾 一定要趁热吃!冷了口感没有那么Q弹饱满,龙虾不仅肉质很紧实,还带着大块的虾黄🦐。灼烧炙烤后被赋予了很浓郁的蒜香味,但是稍微有点咸哦🧄三文鱼 挺新鲜的,口感很绵软肥糯,没有多余的装饰,是简单直白的原切吃饱了吃饱了,这一顿管一天 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-26
上個月同朋友去澳門🇲🇴其中一日中午去咗食法國菜😍餐廳位於巴黎人入邊,適逢係復活節🐣所以餐廳係3月29-31號中午推出咗復活節午餐套餐🍽️餐廳環境華麗,地方寛敞,staff親切有禮👍🏻Easter Lunch Set Menu 每位$348+10%Staff會先上法式麵包🥖麵包外脆內軟😍配上牛油好好味😋前菜自制法式鵝肝酥皮凍肉派伴醋漬蔬菜鵝肝味道幾濃,配上伴菜,中和到鵝肝嘅油膩度👍🏻牛油果大蝦及櫻桃番茄沙拉伴雞尾酒醬底部係一塊牛油果,大蝦爽口彈牙😋配埋沙拉菜,味道清新😍主菜烤杏仁菠菜釀羊鞍伴法式白酒燉煮朝鮮薊 羊鞍軟嫰,肉汁好juicy😍醬汁好入味,配菜吸收哂醬汁嘅精華😋香煎封門柳牛扒伴黑松露烤焗馬鈴薯片配青胡椒汁牛扒叫咗5成熟,可惜有少少過熟,牛味幾濃😋點埋胡椒汁,味道惹味😍甜品復活節彩蛋:希臘乳酪慕斯,杏仁達克瓦茲伴覆盆子啫喱及雪葩甜品賣相好可愛❤️復活節彩蛋裏面係希臘乳酪慕斯同覆盆子啫喱,質地軟滑😍味道酸酸甜甜,唔會膩👍🏻旁邊嘅雪葩味道都係酸酸甜甜😋套餐包含一杯熱咖啡或熱茶LatteAmericano continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-24
Authentic Parisian restaurant located in a hotel in Taipa.The grand interior design provides a luxurious dining experience. Food items are delicately prepared, at a reasonable price. Everything is on point, from the appetiser to desert. It is an overall satisfying experience, totally worth the price given its location and quality.📝Menu: 🔸Carpaccio De Faux Filet Roti Et Salade De Haricot Vert Aux Noix- Roasted sirloin carpaccio, green beans salad with walnut🔸Saumon Fumé Et Cèleri Rémoulade, Sauce Aux Câpres- Norwegian smoked salmon and celeriac remoulade with caper sauce🔸Magret De Canard Aux Pommes- Roasted duck breast, parsnip puree and port wine apple sauce🔸Grillade Mixte- Mixed grill: lamb chop, chicken breast and Toulouse sausage with choron sauce and roasted vegetables🔸Galette Savoyarde- Buckwheat crepe with reblochon cheese, lardons, caramelised onion and potato, with green salad🔸Cheese Cake Mangue-Passion- Mango passion fruit cheese cake🔸Crème Caramel- Traditional crème caramel🔸Assiette De Fromages- Selected cheeses from our parisian affineur continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-26
今天我們去澳門,我們訂了這家餐廳。 餐廳內部裝潢非常好,五星級飯店的古典風格,相當受歡迎!令人難以置信的是午餐套餐不到三百港幣,只係$268,而且服務很好。午餐三道菜有開胃菜、主菜、甜點和飲料。麵包很新鮮,趁熱吃,外面酥脆,裡面鬆軟。每天的湯是南瓜湯,奶油般的絲滑! 南瓜湯有很好的奶油味和南瓜味,好吃!我的主菜是羊架。 羊肉煮得很完美! 肉質軟嫩,帶點羊脂,多汁又好吃! 這部分非常完美。Honey 點了牛排。 牛排還不錯。 牛肉味濃厚,軟糯帶有嚼勁,配上很多香脆薯條,不那麼油膩,相當滿足。我的甜點是清新草莓口味的,擺盤很漂亮,酸甜可口,味道不太濃烈。另一種是巧克力咖啡杯。非常好吃,榛果配上巧克力片和順滑的咖啡慕斯,再配上奶油和巧克力慕斯,好吃極了! 它不會太甜也不會太重!伯爵茶品質優良。 它非常順滑且輕怡。今天是我先生的生日,餐廳給了我們一份免費的甜點,並在上面用蠟燭寫著生日快樂! 他們還給我們拍了一張照片留作紀念,服務很好,很溫暖! 謝謝。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於巴黎人商場中,又係一間去親澳門都會食嘅法國菜,我諗大大話話有食過4-5次。•3 course lunch 💰278/1前菜十分一般1️⃣牛扒配薯條如果同散叫嗰件肉眼比真係無得比🫣只可以話對得住個價錢2️⃣羊架超!級!好!食!好驚艷嘅青醬配medium嘅羊架,又嫩又多肉汁,迅速清碟,下次一定會encore•sides 薯蓉💰75夠曬creamy,配上細蔥,蔥香味唔算重,配扒食令肉質更順滑•頂級生牛肉他他 💰248賣相吸引,不過表現較為普通,不過不失•干邑忌廉龍蝦湯 💰130係我地一直都好鍾意嘅龍蝦湯之一,不過今次相對淡咗同稀咗,希望只係一時失手!•頂級肉眼牛扒 350克 💰548呢塊扒如果返香港食絕對要1000以上,性價比極高,牛油脂同肉味平衡,火候應控制得啱啱好,very nice👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)