+853 88832221
The first Café de Paris Monte-Carlo in Asia gives you an authentic French style brasserie experience while serving up a menu of signature iconic French dishes. Modeled after the classical setting in Monte Carlo, this luxurious brasserie is designed to feel like an extension of the original institution and the place to see and to be seen.
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Opening Hours
07:00 - 21:00
Mon - Thu
07:00 - 21:00
Fri - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
*Afternoon Tea:
Mon-Sun: 15:00-17:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
去到澳門,時間好尷尬,去到Galaxy Macau,好多餐廳都有中場休息,見到哩間有開就即刻去食, 點咗幾款嘢食,上菜好快,可能因為唔多人,我嗌咗以下幾款嘢海鮮意大利麵好食, 我食過好食嘅意大利其中一間, 海鮮多, 個汁煮得好食。馬介休炸薯球入口似食普通炸薯球, 唔太差,但係唔覺有馬介休鹹魚味,比較遜色。他他吞拿魚沙律沙律菜新鮮, 有橄欖同芝士,評論唔到好唔好食,因為有啲人唔鍾意食沙律菜。最後埋單都係$500 ,三個人食超抵。
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這兩天公眾假期,跑了來澳門,小朋友7:30起來,根本沒有什麼餐廳開門。正常是去茶餐廳,但....原來其他選擇,蒙地卡羅西餐廳7:30開門了,還有早餐餐牌,就試試吧正常我會揀中餐,但小朋友愛西餐,一間兩個選擇,我叫了一份西餐有一籃麵包丶水果丶腸蛋、還有兩杯飲品。麵包一來了,影相也來不及,牛角包已被兩個小朋友瓜分了;妹妹大叫牛角包好味,三杯果汁,中間有蔬果汁,淡淡的蔬果味,清新爽口,我那杯是用西式茶包沖泡成的港式奶茶,有伯爵茶的味道,也很不錯。我選了半生熟蛋,當然好味。全份早餐全部吃完。至於中式早餐,有皮蛋瘦肉粥,粥底很錦,好味!反而火腿炒麵賣相麻麻,很一般。蝦餃燒賣和叉燒包也不好吃。最驚喜是燕麥香蕉Pancake, 結實的燕麥與香蕉味,加上果醬,有驚喜! 一家四口加工人五個人,把三份早餐完成了! 好滿足呀! 但只是$400😙
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是次Babymoon 之旅,妹妹幫我們安排了很多活動!第一日午餐後很快便來個下午茶!妹妹幫忙訂了這店的下午茶,坐位舒適,環境寧靜,非常適合慢嘆下午茶。下午茶套餐有兩款,店員建議我們點兩個套餐 ($138配3咸點2甜點及咖啡),便可試了所有的咸點。我們再加了一杯咖啡及一個據說是皇室人員愛吃的焦糖布甸。我個人偏好咸的食物,所以覺得六款咸點都很好吃!我尤其喜歡大蝦及忌廉芝士的兩款,妹妹偷認為牛肉他他多士最好吃!老公最喜歡的非甜品莫屬!拿破倫香脆好味,士多單梨撻亦清新可口!焦糖泡芙外脆內軟,好吃!最後試了焦糖布甸,香滑,甜而不膩。份量都挺多的,還好我們是三個人吃一個。咖啡的賣相精美,味道香濃。整個用餐的體驗都非常好!開心寫意地享用了一頓下午茶!實在太滿足了!
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一餐唔太傷荷包嘅法國餐,介紹返💁🏻♀️法式海膽炒蛋真係不得了,鮮甜嘅加拿大海膽配埋炒到好似食緊牛油咁嫩滑嘅蛋,完全係來自天堂嘅美味🤤 呢個海膽menu做到4月14號,想食就要趁早嗜生牛肉嘅小弟梗係要會一會佢地個牛肉韃靼,侍應會即場將啲牛同配料撈埋,再比食客試味,唔啱調到啱!味道走傳統路線,辣辣地又帶微酸,唔錯唔錯。另外當日仲試左個普羅旺斯客席主廚Matthieu Gasnier炮製嘅六道菜晚餐。菜色全部用上檸檬柑橘等嘅清新調味,食落充滿南法嘅地中海風情,係我嘅菜👌🏻 我嘅最愛係前菜之一嘅酸橘汁腌吞拿魚同埋甜品嘅法式檸檬撻Cafe de Paris is offering a menu of sea urchin from British Columbia 🤤 highly recommend this Oursinade, a dish of scramble egg with fresh sea urchin on top. So buttery that it literally glided on my tongue, heavenly!Beef tartare is also a good option here. It’s mixed in front of the table, guests may taste the mix and add on the seasonings until they get the right flavor. Very traditional with the right amount of spice to balance out the meat.6-course menu by guest chef Matthieu Gasnier from Provence is like bringing the palate to the Mediterranean, with all dishes seasoned with citrusy, light and refreshing flavors which makes a perfect spring menu. My fav were the Tuna Ceviche with Mediterranean fragrance and basil cream, and the dessert, the chef’s version of Tarte au Citron
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上次嚟galaxy見到呢間法國菜新開,當時想食但係full booking,之後先知原來呢間Monte Carlo係亞洲第一間分店,評價都幾高,今次book定嚟試下~免費嘅麵包,麵包皮脆,裡面軟熟牛油煎鱒魚配杏仁片、薯仔$178煎鱒魚好滑,牛油味好香,重點魚已經起晒骨~杏仁片好濃郁好脆,配埋一齊食好夾青口完全無渣,唔腥,青口肉滑嘟嘟,好飽滿,用忌廉煮,有巴黎食到嘅味道~法式洋蔥湯$78又係同巴黎食到嘅味道一樣!洋蔥味好濃,如果芝士多d會更好~
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