Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (13)
Level3 2016-12-12
適逢今次入住酒店在氹仔呢邊所以晚餐就揀左呢間近住官也街附近氣氛睇落唔錯的西班牙小館同女朋友共享晚餐到步時剛剛6:00餐廳都唔太多人我哋兩個人被帶到三樓室內位置坐低(三樓有個露台位置,不過當晚有D涼無坐到)餐飲方面選了ICED MOCHA味道正路唔會太甜而女友選了蘋果汁味道都唔錯既然叫得做TAPAS小館當然要叫返幾個TAPAS小食試下啦大約15-20分鐘就到齊晒4款啦~香草古法羊肉串呢味味道係perfect本身羊肉燒得好香嫰完全一點無騷味羊肉串綠色的應該係香草但唔會太重味極度推介香草肉丸配蕃茄醬上菜時係用一個厚身既瓷碗可以保持住熱度肉丸本身有咬口而肉味濃蕃茄醬少少酸幾醒胃食客大路選擇西班牙甜椒釀海鮮本身用紅椒裡面釀左近似魚肉既海鮮當中仲有好香既芝士配合紅椒食唔會太膩幾有特色鮮蝦他他將蝦肉打碎配合香草做他他香草味突出但又唔會搶走蝦肉本身的鮮味蝦肉夠新解爽身值得一試最後來既係西班牙海鮮飯唔好睇個鑊身睇落好淺分開來應該每人都有3-4碟飯份量飯身算係少少偏淋身(正宗西餐標準計)海鮮汁份量剛剛好而幾濃蝦殼味海解有魷魚圈,青口,蝦,蜆同魚肉兩個人食晒都好滿足~~總括黎講環境食物服務都好滿意亦係今次澳門之旅最滿意的一餐絕對值得推介一下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-05-25
晚餐前,一伙人又到 塔巴斯西班牙小館 Casa de Tapas 喝東西小休一下。雖然醉翁之意不在酒,但在這富地中海風格、同時彌漫時尚歐陸情調、氣氛愜意閒適的店內,來杯氣泡酒以及精緻的餐前小吃,感覺真的很妙。想坐下正式用餐的話,樓上的天花壁畫也很美令人留下深刻印象。不過這天晚餐另有地方,下文再記~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-03-28
Very often we go for a nice Portuguese meal in Macau because it is where would make it authentic. This time we come to the Old Taipa Village to find a new tapas restaurant, Casa de Tapas, that includes a bar on the first floor, a regular dining room on the second and a balcony on the third to form the three-storey blue building.The restaurant serves contemporary Spanish cuisine in ways of bite-sized tapas and sharing mains.We start with a complementary bread basket with a note-worthy garlic spread on the side.The selection of tapas includes tomato meatballs, mushroom & Iberico ham and two kinds of tostada among which I like the mackerel one more because of its delicious roasted pepper salsa.The seafood paella is marvelously displayed, cooked to the perfect texture and has a prominent tomato base. The variety of seafood also makes it a great dish to share between 4 pax.While the pan fried seabass is so beautiful in presentation, the suckling pig is the most outstanding dish in flavors, traditionally cooked with crispy skin and tender meat, along with breadcrumb coated apple and fresh slaws.We end our filling meal with a chocolate fondant with almond sorbet, though we hope for stronger almond flavor from the center, it is overall an overwhelming bites for the palate.On top of that, an extensive choice of sangria, Spanish wines, cocktails and mocktails are available; however we opt for two mocktails that are both equally delicious, especially the Dos Chicas, a mix of cranberry and orange juices. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
幾年前嚟過呢度食,氣氛好浪漫,食物又好食。趁住今年澳門有新酒店開幕嚟玩,再嚟呢間幾層高小房回味下。 去個時,FB check in 有免費紅或白酒,或 sangria. 餐前麵包外脆內軟 熱辣辣,不是配牛油,是配 西班牙菜常用的garlic cream. 蒜味濃烈但不辛辣,酸酸的,很開胃。Pan fried iberico pork on toast。 擺盤很漂亮,中間的應是辣蕃茄醬, chorizo 西班牙香腸很惹味。Spanish omelet with tomato cream。 很簡單的只有蛋和薯仔,也很好吃,因為很香蛋味啊,薯仔很棉。Fried squid rings with egg platter。 佢一啲都唔脆卜卜,唔係炸魷魚圈,佢係外面裹咗層好香蛋味的蛋漿,入面軟林林的魷魚,旁邊的 garlic cream 比起餐前包的 garlic cream 甜啲。 Traditional Spanish paella rice , 就係因為好回味呢個 paella,先再嚟呢度, 海鮮分量一啲都唔吝嗇,而且好新鮮咁, 飯粒無以前食咁 彈牙,但味道依然係滿分。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-02-21
20.2.2015年初二同屋企人行去官也街食晚飯既時候經過一間唔係太起眼但系又幾有情調既西班牙小館 行入去睇下個餐牌啲野食都幾吸引 侍應同客人大多都系外國人 而且個侍應好好禮貌好熱情咁介紹 所以決定夜晚放完煙花去試下😋 小館裝修🏡:有3層。地下入面同二樓係bar位 吹下水飲下酒都系一個唔錯既地方。地下出面有2張枱比人食野同飲野 可以方面吸煙既人士。三樓都係食野同飲野 可以談下情享受下。成個環境都唔錯 黑黑地有燭光點綴下。野飲方面🍹:主要都係飲酒。都係大路野eg雞尾酒,生啤,bailey cream個啲。不過勝在種類多, 仲有不含酒精既雞尾酒 可以試下。野食方面🍨:甜品幾特別 值得一試。尤其係spanish cheese($75)芝士雪糕既味道淡淡地但系好香 配埋佢周邊既焦糖薄片真系好好味😋 不過佢既煎火腿面包我就唔太中意 因為太油。個人感受💬:3個人埋單$317 宵夜嚟講有啲唔抵。不過如果靜系試個甜品同飲下酒 同屋企人hea 個環境真系一流👍 同埋大部分都系外國人可以試下同佢地溝通下 仲可以練下膽😜Last order:10:30p.mClose:12:00a.m continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)