+853 87996338
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
Level3 2019-07-17
平日去漁人碼頭影相 仲要2/3點時間 真係無咩選擇,行過呢間餐廳 強勁嘅冷令我諗都唔諗就入咗去食佢分兩層 下面食意大利 樓上食巴西buffet..因為唔餓的關係 加上好熱唔想再諗 我㨂咗樓下的意大利a la cart 好伏呀Service係好好 環境都唔錯 佢介紹咗buffet set lunch MOP 165 包一個set +salad bar, 行咗出salad bar睇 啲野食好唔新鮮 所以決定就咁叫一個pasta(ravioli)+烤乳豬(double cooked suckling pig) 未叫野食的時候放咗個包籃比我地 3款包:炸面包(好好食)烤蒜蓉包(都唔錯)sour dough (無食)野食ordered 20分鐘後, waitress行埋黎邀請我地食salad bar 我話我地無叫set佢話唔緊要(我估係無人食 佢唔想嘥)等咗30分鐘 野食終於出現 由唔餓 變到好肚餓 通常肚餓的人食咩都覺得好食 但係2樣都好一般 尤其係個乳豬 好難食 無味的白灼豬腩肉 上碟3舊肥豬肉 一入口係無 味 道 我要自己加salt&pepper先稍為好少少🤢個pasta份量係少 但係每一啖都係cheese, 皮很厚🤦🏻‍♀️Conclusion: 餓死都唔再食呢間 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-19
I love coming here for Brazilian grill and it was my second time here.There is so much choice from the salad and appetizer bar but I didn't eat much from there as they will continuously bring you freshly grilled meats.The chicken wings and ribs were the best.Don't eat too much as there is also juicy grilled pineapple dusted with cinnamon.FW is a great place to go for Christmas and New Year.There is a countdown here for New Year 2019 with local Macaunese singers!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-11-06
路過漁人碼頭。知道新開無幾耐。價錢唔貴。就入去試下。lunch係$158。烤肉任食。沙律吧任食。所謂既任食。我都係食左一舊牛。一舊豬。兩舊雞。半條腸咁大把。點解?烤肉部份係廚師烤完拎出黎係你面前即切。或者得兩枱客。拍哂烏蠅咁。廚師都懶得燒掛。所謂可以任食既肉只係拎出黎一次咁大把同切左一舊。亦都無再問客人添唔添。因為廚師根本都無再燒。感覺勁差。好似貨不對版咁。食物味道都麻麻地。腸勁咸。牛有啲un。豬都好一般。有燒菠蘿。不過無要。熱食得幾樣。肉醬意粉。唔知擺左幾耐既pizza。好難食既炸蟹鉗。沙律選擇都太少。總之就覺得做左水魚啦。158去其他酒店食lunch buffet應該會好100倍囉。起碼會有甜品。有三文魚同生果。呢度??連飽都唔會。未試過係澳門食啲咁差既野。58蚊都比多佢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-07-29
個frd 趕住坐3點船番香港,為有係附近揾食。聽聞漁人碼頭開左好多新野食,甘就試試啦。今次試左開巴西燒烤,好似係5月先開,佢分開兩面有食buffet 有a la cart 專食海鮮。今次我地食巴西燒,有lunch and dinner buffet, 你可以choose 肉加salad buffet, 或者淨食salad buffet. 又真係唔貴喎。原來lunch buffet 係唔包牛既,只有雞同豬一坐低有小吃送,雖然個樣唔太討好,but 食落又ok wor, 有炸香蕉,gralic 薯條,芝士波波沙律吧都幾多choices..不過見到有好幾隻烏英仔係d 沙律吧飛下飛下, 有幾樣都唔係好敢食終於到肉啦,整體都可以啦,不過醃得偏咸,有d 燒到好乾。不過值得一讚係pork ribs, 好juicy仲有我最愛既燒波羅,食左6件,佢上面加左肉桂粉去燒,超級好味哩度環境好grand, 餐廳好大,有獨立房,面向海景,不過有d 遠,唔係甘多車到。但值得過一個休閒下午而價錢brunch又唔貴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-06-03
四颗星,烤與鮮还是很赞的,有机会可以尝试一下!昨日下塌勵宮酒店。晚上沿著漁人碼頭走走。看見這間烤與鮮。樓下吃海鮮。樓上吃巴西烤肉。香港已經很少有巴西烤肉自助餐了。決定試試。等了約10分鐘便有位。自助沙律吧好豐富。有海鮮但沒有龍蝦。海鮮泠盤通常是點茄醬檸檬辣醬混成的汁。我問有沒有。服務員說沒有。但幫我到廚房特別弄一碗出來。非常窩心!湯也有龍蝦湯和磨菇湯。但湯濃得來有點太鹹。燒肉主要是牛、雞、羊、豬。師傅燒得很好。調味料也放滿一檯。保証夠味!檯面上有一杖棋子。紅色向上代表不需要烤肉。綠色向上廚師便會過來切肉給食客。燒雞仍能保留肉汁。強力推介烤波蘿。外層加上特有香料,內層肉汁甜美。很久沒有吃過印象深刻的菜了。一定要試!這個巴西自助晚餐價錢葡幣328元。我認為十分超值。來澳門必試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)