+853 88811800
Hua Ting invites you to embark on a nostalgic culinary celebration of Old Shanghai, as seen through the lens of new ideas and modern inspirations. Inside the restaurant's stylish green-and-gold interior, you will discover a balance of delicate, raw and vibrant elements, with smooth lines and undulating curves inspired by the classic Chinese moon gate. Beloved music from the 30s and 40s completes the retro ambience, invoking the glamour of Shanghai's golden era. Hua Ting's menu of legendary Shanghainese dishes and refined Huaiyang delicacies is based on traditional recipes, prepared with top-quality ingredients and exquisite artistry. The tantalising array of classic and contemporary favourites includes signature dishes such as Baby Duck braised with Mixed Grains and Pork Belly and Abalone braised in the Chef's Secret Soy Sauce with Truffle. A selection of yellow wines and signature cocktails and mocktails offers a tasty companion to your perfect meal. continue reading
Additional Information
For gentlemen: smart casual with ankle-length trousers; no open shoes, sandals, or sleeveless tops
Opening Hours
16:00 - 22:00
Mon - Tue
16:00 - 22:00
Thu - Sun
16:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Parking Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
蔥香八寶葫蘆鴨 松露鮑魚東坡肉
Review (2)
Level2 2023-06-11
Nice Shanghai restaurant located at Grand Lisboa Palace Resort where we stayed this weekend. Today is our vegeterian day, we didn't want to explore other hotels so we thought to give it a try at Hua Ting. Eventhough the menu has very limited choice of vegetarian options, but we were able to order few vegetarian friendly dishes, and we enjoyed each dish very much along with a bottle of warmed yellow wine花雕酒. Chef was kind enough to tailor the fried rice without meat for us, it's still taste as good. 😋❤️For Chinese belief a good Chinese restaurant chef must be able to present a plate of perfect fried rice with a taste of wok 有鍋味. If you know what I mean. 👍❤️Service was great, most servers were polite and speak fluent English.We do hope that they would consider adding more vegeterian dishes on the menu. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
華亭 澳門上葡京以服務來說無得好講,絕對係優質服務,侍應們都很貼心,勤快加茶水換碟,什至會以雙手手掌抱茶壺感應茶溫度及內裡茶水量是否足夠,老實說如果我自己咁樣抱茶壺我會燙死我啦😵‍💫男經理亦好好人,知道本人為食貪鮮,又叫太多食物唔好浪費,將本身4件份量的東坡肉單件出售,菜單是沒有的。女侍應將每道菜式介紹詳盡。味道來說,總體非常滿意,以質素同性價比,用呢個價錢晌香港係食唔返,應該會更加貴。該飯雖然食左1500,蟹的價錢卻佔左600多,唔食蟹的話整餐飯算係幾抵食🤔生拆蟹肉陳醋凍:使用日本松葉蟹的蟹黃蟹肉凝固,配上意大利黑醋珍珠。口感彈牙,蟹肉味豐富,適合懶大人小朋友懶人想食蟹又唔想剝蟹。文思豆腐羮:清香滑,豆味濃郁,菜式亦考廚師刀工,花時間煮又賣唔到貴錢,一道傳統但又唔多地方可以食到的菜式。松露鮑魚東坡肉:🥹黑松露、大連鮮鮑、五花肉、珍珠米飯,四者合一肥而不膩,真係…真係好餸飯。花鵰肉碎蒸肉蟹:花鵰味充足,完全入晒蟹到,菜式滾熱清香撲鼻,蟹下面鋪墊肉碎有點似蒸肉餅,可能加左肉關係,會見到花鵰汁較為多油,小店員建議下次可以試下上海醬油焗,會香點同無咁多油,出面亦唔係咁多地方食到。香蔥扣乳鴿:秘製醬汁加bb鴿,香滑嫰,但始終係bb肉唔多。蘿蔔絲海蜇皮:以香油涼拌蘿蔔絲海蜇,香味充足,粉量十足,但較為淡味,個人口味喜歡有少少酸味涼拌會開胃點。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)