+853 88991320
集華麗典雅﹐氣派品味及地理優勢於一身的觀海軒中餐廳﹐位於酒店三樓﹐面向水天一色一望無際的南中國海﹐著名的黑沙海灘﹐盡入眼廉。餐廳秉承傳統中國美食的精髓﹐更不忘推陳出新﹐供應巧手點心﹐粵式美食及各款中式佳餚,讓人一試難忘。 continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
09:30 - 16:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay Diners Club
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
生劏龍躉頭腩煲 赤靈芝燉螺頭 楊枝甘露 話梅雞 觀海軒三色蝦餃皇
Review (12)
週日入住海天酒店,週一遇到打風,於是我們決定試試酒店的粵菜館。點心是我最喜歡的美食之一。平時吃到的點心只能算還好,OK啦⋯⋯ 能讓我吃完後過幾日想再去返的「飲茶」地方,除了「大圍小館」(但它要排很久隊)也就只有這裡了。雖然是90鐘放題(星期一至五11:00-15:00),但真心好好食😋,食完還想再去食,很值得推薦去try try 。每一道菜都很新鮮,擺盤很講究,份量很到位(跟單點一樣)。小食份量也超級大,建議兩人的話不要多點。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-21
After trying out their marvellous dinner dishes, we decided to visit once again for yumcha lunch the next day. Menu served variety unique dim sum options with different rice and noodle stir fry. Efficient friendly staff again helpful and introducing their signatures. Deep fried taro and scallop pastries were surprisingly in a big ball shape. Incredibly crunchy and flakey batter. Soft taro paste with few minced meat mixed with mushrooms. A huge scallop was stuffed that cooked perfectly. It was an explosion of texture and flavour. A delicate dish with deep flavour. Steamed scallops, black truffle and spinach dumplings were again a big thumb up. Wrapper was gelatinous but thin enough to stuff loaded chopped vegetables. Chopped vegetables again mixed with mushrooms giving some umami flavour alongside the earthiness. The scallop on top was cooked perfectly once again. The hint of truffle gave a punch to the gentle flavour scallop. It was spot on. Moving on to the steamed rice rolls with fresh lily bulb and assorted mushrooms, it was delicious. Thin smooth rice rolls wrapping the shredded mushrooms. Assorted mushrooms gave different stuffing texture, crunchy, soft and chewy. Bite with lily bulbs with a texture of gentle silkiness. A nice one! Deep fried bean curd was served in quite a big portion if for lunch. Batter was paper thin but crispy. Well seasoned with a hint of spiciness. Tofu was soft and batter held the tofu firmly that every bite would not drop away from you chopstick.Pan fried chives, mushrooms and pork dumplings were served elegantly with a crispy bottom like a blooming flower. Wrapper was soft but not doughy. Unlike traditional dumplings that contains hot soup/ oil inside, they didnt burn your tongue like that. It was stuffed with well balanced minced and vegetables. Very savoury.Last but not least, we ordered two desserts, freshly baked egg tarts and pumpkin pastries stuffed with red bean paste. Both were absolutely amazing that I would highly recommend. The freshly baked egg tarts were indeed hot while serving. You could tell from their smell of freshly bake goods. After the first bite, it brought you back your childhood memory of eating egg tarts in restaurants with parents. It's always the best and what I was looking for throughout the whole yumcha. Egg custard wasn't too sweet with egg flavour. It set perfectly and not overly dried or runny. Pastry crust were flakey but not falling apart. It looked like a one bite snack but you wanted to split into bites to enjoy it more times.Pumpkin pastries were served in a pumpkin shape with an edible tea leaf on top mimicking the stem of the pumpkin. You could taste a hint of pumpkin from the crispy glutinous crust. It wasn't too sticky that difficult to hold in chopsticks but soft enough to allow you bite without collapsing. Red bean paste was in generous amount that there weren't mashed completely which gave some texture. Well balanced sweetness that could still remain the pumpkin and red bean flavour. Good job to both desserts! Again a highly recommending dining experience! I wish I can visit again for lunch and dinner!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-07-23
因為沒法離境旅遊,只能 staycations ,選擇了入住路環海天度假酒店,原因:遠離市區,接近大自然,面臨大海,環境悠閑。退房後,決定吃過午餐才回家。選擇了酒店內的觀海軒,疫情關係,餐廳推出了點心任食午餐(價錢MOP300/2位,不包茶位,90分鐘任點任食)餐廳環境:舒適寧靜點心雖然選擇不多,但質素很好,上菜速度快,員工服務態度不錯,值得一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
推介:黑松露腐皮蝦仁腸粉、粥品、三色蝦餃、蜂巢芋茸帶子香酥盒、炸叉燒包。看位置當然遠是遠了一點,但如果長假有車有時間,也是一個好選擇。環境/服務:1:  望海,也可外出陽台,呼吸新鮮空氣2:  樓下經常有親子活動,星期日可以帶小朋友放放電3: 上菜速度頗快,但可能由於樓面員工並非全部長工,所以每次也有一些甩漏,如㸃心已到服務檯但沒有人幫手上桌。4:  環境十分舒適,亦有BB 椅食評 : 這裏的點心在澳門酒店來說是高質素的1: 夠精緻, 師傅手工絕對不錯2: 有新意但不太離題(如三色蝦餃,黑松露腐皮蝦仁腸粉)當然也有傳統點心3:  粥品十分十錯,如蠔豉淮山豬骨粥十分足料,粥也夠綿4:  食完不太口渴5:  腸粉選擇不多( 沒有牛,叉燒)6:  炒粉麵亦精緻7:  *酒店價錢點心,要性價比高者留意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-07-02
繼續澳門分享;嘆完米芝蓮法菜兼大玩 Planet J 後,留下的5人組還免費上了巴黎人鐵塔,及到觀海軒嘆超值任食晚餐! 先由巴黎人鐵塔講起,最近金光飛航在做推廣,手持當日船票就可以免費上塔,正是搭金光來的院友們當然不會錯過優惠啦!詳情可參考網誌,今篇集中記錄當晚晚餐。 地點是鷺環海天度假酒店的 觀海軒,由氹仔過去只不過十多分鐘,但就由一片璀璨繁華的景色,轉成寧靜美好的氣氛,大家都覺得一天內像已經歷人生百態! 適逢酒店更名三週年(前身是 Westin),觀海軒 由2017年6月28日-8月31日,逢星期三推出每位MOP $288的任點任食計劃,除了過百款的小食、小炒、小菜、湯、素菜、點心、粥飯麵飯、甜品可以任點,每位還奉送鮑魚一隻,爆食度爆燈! 餐廳優美的海景,也是吸引回本位之一。有時間的,提早半小時來欣賞最美的日落及 Magic hour,非常的有治療 feel 呢~ 中午其實吃得超飽,不過下午在 Planet J 及巴黎人鐵塔處消耗了不少,加上這晚額外加了不少新力軍,大家很快就點到一檯都是菜式,非常豐富又誇張! 大大話話百多款菜式,雖然我們只點了其中2-3成,排出來已經非常誇張.... 有點有上檯的,甜魔媽媽盡量抽空一試,首先是爽脆醒胃的 野菜拌木耳,開胃一流啦~ 更讚是這又爽又嫩的 彩虹海蜇絲/子薑手撕雞,非常好吃,後來要加點一大份才夠滿足! 梅子糟香肘子 也是引人入勝的美味涼菜,喜歡話梅香氣的必點! 接著的 蟹肉蒸蛋白 也是必點,鮮甜的蟹肉與超嫩滑溜的蛋白配搭美妙,可以任吃太瘋狂了! 愛吃蟹如我,當然也沒錯過 鮮蟹肉椰青干貝豆腐羹,蟹肉、椰青、干貝的鮮味甜味交錯縱橫,加上細滑豆腐羹口感,曼妙動人,是坊間難求的高水準,真難想像在放題中吃到! 如果自認湯怪,也可以一併挑戰 迷你八寶冬瓜盅,賣相精緻可愛,少試了食友的一份,湯頭清甜、果然不錯呢~還有 花菇菜膽燉螺頭,就真的沒食力去試了! 位上的鮑魚也上檯了,份量、味道都絕不欺場,連拌碟的西蘭花也特別爽嫩好吃! 除了每人一客鮑魚,食客也可無限任點 紅炆玉掌海參、鮑汁扒魚唇 等矜貴又花功夫的菜式,怎樣點、怎樣計食客也是賺突呀!!! 其他海鮮菜式還有:避風塘蒜香基圍蝦、XO醬爆海中寶、韭黃油泡大澳吊片、蔥燒青芥末明蝦球、生菜日本蠔豉鬆、翡翠炒美國帶子雞球、如意百合雙花蚌、荷塘脆爽龍躉球、涼瓜蒜子炆龍躉頭腩、豉油皇焗中蝦、豉汁粉絲蒜扇貝、古法紅炆石斑球煲、葡汁焗扇貝、咕嚕石斑球、咕嚕蝦球、有機西芹XO醬爆蝦仁,等等,多不勝數,而且質素都很不錯! 更誇張的,是 火焰薑蔥波士頓龍蝦,也是任點任食!當晚試了龍蝦肉嫩鮮甜,有著濃濃玫瑰露酒香,絕對是既睇得又食得~ 又其實,回歸基本步,金牌燒腩仔 也是非常的好吃,初嘗即有驚為天人之感;後來加點了下面雙倍的份量,才吃得滿足!蜜汁叉燒也不錯,再稍燶邊一點就完美了。 菜式太多,真的不是每款都能記得清楚;但下面這款 古村風味炒西蘭花 非常好吃,無論是蝦乾還是西蘭花都很精彩,也要一試! 還有更多美食,恕未能逐一仔細介紹了... 但總的來說,都是用料及誠意十足、味道傳統而紮實的優質出品,吃得十分滿意的~ 檯面食物吃了又點,來了又清,周而復始,多個循環之後,大家都飽到不能動彈之際,突然驚醒:是時間吃甜品了!!! 甜品原來選擇也不少:桂花椰汁糕、香芒綠茶軟糍卷、燕窩燉鮮奶、生磨腰果露以及秘製龜苓膏拌桂花糖,全部都給我點下來吧!超愛生磨腰果露的香氣,燕窩燉鮮奶又是滑到不行,但原來最棒的,是味道甘醇的秘製龜苓膏,拌上少量蜜糖吃,既清熱又美味! 簡單來說,這個MOP $288任食計劃是食客必賺,重點是食物水準實在不錯啊!晚餐後,摸摸圓又圓的大肚子,也是時間去這次住宿的酒店... 容後介紹! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)