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Review (8)
Level1 2023-11-27
I am a huge fan of pancakes, and I love the pancakes from McDonald's. You can find McDonald's almost everywhere.The menu offers a variety of sweet and savoury options. The server was very helpful. He guided me to the ordering machine, and I ordered the pancakes. They came with three hotcakes, butter, jam, and maple syrup. The hotcakes were thin and buttery, and they smelt so good!Now, what is the best way to eat them? First, I spread butter on each hotcake. Then, I drizzled jam all over them. Next, I cut them into small pieces. Finally, I dipped each piece into the maple syrup. Absolutely delicious!McDonald's pancakes are my favourite breakfast. You should try them. McDonald's gave me a good start to the day. I'm lovin' it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-12-03
每次有新嘅產品,作為麥當勞嘅fans一定去試下啦!今次新推出咗藍莓吉士蘋果批同埋意大利芝士麥旋風 !藍妹吉士蘋果批我就覺得一般,因為藍莓醬好甜,我自己比較喜歡之前既綠茶吉士醬或者朱古力海鹽味多d。 但係意大利芝士蛋糕麥旋風有驚喜, 真係好似食緊蛋糕咁!不過淨係表面有,如果佢攪勻啲會更加好味! 不過既然期間限定都值得一試~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-12-02
食麥當勞一定要點巨無霸餐,有肉有菜有包,實在冇得輸!如果唔夠飽,加埋個蘋果批,真係無敵! ! !寰宇天下麥當勞出餐時間都算OK,一般等幾分鐘就攞到,當然唔計繁忙時間啦!繁忙時間人多咁多,要體諒下嘅…… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
黑沙環麥當勞有幾間,我最喜歡的是寰宇天下店,這裏有兩層,上邊位置不算多,下邊十分歡堂!也很乾淨衛生麥當勞最近新出草莓麥旋風!來自福岡啊!因為疫情而去唔到日本旅行嘅朋友,去吃一杯感受一下日本風情也是望梅止渴的好方法🥺🥹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日叫咗兩個餐返屋企,係今日嘅特價套餐,雙層火腿扒漢堡包,另外點左四隻脆香雞翼。個漢堡包勝在夠厚,真係要擘大個口先咬到,而且啖啖肉,好食!但返到屋企先發現,佢只係俾咗一包泰式辣醬,我買咗四隻脆香雞翼! !平時兩隻雞翼已經要一包辣醬,結果今日四隻雞翼先得一包,要慳住食……🥲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)