+853 2872 6637
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:30
18:30 - 23:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:30
18:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Classic Italian restaurant in 媽閣廟area in Macau peninsula that gives you nice surprises. Pizzeria Toscana had got The Best of Macau, western and bar & pub category back in 2006. 1️⃣ T-bone steak (MOP180)A great, thoughtful iteration of thin-sliced, tender T-bone steak, with each slice well marinated in the special garlic sauce. Save your effort in cutting the meat from the T-bone and eliminate the risk of splashing the sauce to your clothes while cutting so that you can focus on enjoying your food with your loved ones.2️⃣ Lasagne Funghi (MOP140)It’s unexpected to have lasagna featuring mushrooms in creamy mushroom sauce.3️⃣ & 4️⃣ Linguine Nero (MOP140)The Squid-ink linguine was al dente and the amount of sauce was just right. Also had the Alla Toscana pizza, Anti Terra cold cut platter and smoked salmon 5️⃣ Tiramisu (MOP68)6️⃣ Egg pudding (MOP38) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-20
在街上行過被此餐廳門面吸引, 見肚餓即管入去試試, 餐廳懷舊情調非常好, 食物味道不錯, 打卡一流 食物 : 味道有驚喜, 生牛肉及豬扒味道好好, 大推 環境 : 裝修靚, 有情調, 座位舒服乾淨 服務 : 員工有禮貌及主動 價錢 : $578 (4人) + 10%服務費 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-02-18
專程尋找這間好吃的薄餅店,因為記得數年前無意間經過這間在地庫的意式餐廳。今次吃的截然不同。我們二人下了單,只有三款食物: 菠菜湯、蕃茄沙律和意式墨汁墨魚飯。不得不讚菠菜湯味道濃郁,好像在吃一棵波菜一般,但最值得讚的地方是它質感幼滑,好像芝麻糊一樣滑,感覺很有趣。下一道菜是蕃茄水牛芝士沙律,材料就是基本的蕃茄和水牛芝士,但廚師安排水牛芝士比例略多於厚肉蕃茄,太能滿足食客對水牛芝士的期望了!而且配上了幾粒不俗的黑橄欖,秒殺了這道菜。最後是意式墨汁墨魚飯,一碟全黑色的飯端上來,香氣四射,意大利飯不太濕潤,恰到好處!十分滿意的一頓午餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-12-28
上年的某天,我們第一次初訪,還記得當時的那個心情隔了一年後,二訪,它還是這般的熱鬧高人氣想嚐的還是有很多,喜歡這個蘑菇的pizza 跟它們的甜點不過飲料方面的價格就偏高了些 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-12-29
比薩斜塔,是在我讀大學的時候,跟朋友已經來過一次,當時用餐那滋味已深深刻在我腦海裹,今晚跟女朋友在南環一帶逛完街,正在想要在那裹用餐,聽到女朋友想吃薄餅,我突然又勾起這間比薩斜塔。最後我們決定去比薩斜塔這間意大利賽食晚飯。比薩斜塔位置還真的比較偏僻,長城燒烤沿路走上去,在港務局對面。有車的朋友可以泊進停車場。店裹的裝飾很有意思。今次我們叫了parma ham, 淑女PIZZA,意大利雲吞。這個餐前包,很香口,其實剩食這個餐前包都夠晒飽。味道十分濃,充滿鹹香,肉質方面十分有口感而且蠻結實,很不錯的前菜。薄餅方面,底十分脆口,上面的芝士跟其它配料配合得很好,整個薄餅我們2人吃清光。意大利雲吞是我女朋友最喜歡,而且如果餐牌有的話是必點的菜,芝士味十分重,這個份量我認為4人食差不多,食一個己經十分足夠,太膩了。整體來說是一間十分不錯的意大利餐廳,價錢方面也是合理的,推薦情侶或朋友聚會來這用餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)