+853 88022372
Reflecting opulent times in history, a rendezvous is transformed into a regal affair at The Russian Room. Explore a wide range of aperitifs, digestives, and specialty vodkas complemented by a select variety of fine caviars. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 10:30
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
07:00 - 11:00
12:00 - 23:00
07:00 - 10:30
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE MACAU Pass
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Vodka Prunier Vodka Prunier Cocktails Martini Caviar vodka shot Caviar champagne shot
Review (57)
Rossio(盛事)位於美高梅天幕廣場內,有室內跟天幕廣場座位🙈坐在天幕廣場座位可以一邊用餐一邊欣賞漂亮的歐式建築以及絕美聖誕樹,太chill了~😌我們有預先訂座並註明想坐天幕廣場的座位,當天店員亦安排到座位給我們,太棒了☺️Rossio主打葡國菜,雖然餐廳在酒店內,但定價卻非常親民呢~👍🏻我們點了:🤍白酒煮蜆 ($140)🧡葡式大蝦湯 ($60)🤎葡式烤鴨腿飯 ($140)❤️脆皮乳豬 ($160)💛木糠布甸 ($50)當中最推薦“白酒煮蜆”及“葡式烤鴨腿飯”😋前者蜆肉鮮甜肥美,牛油及酒香味濃,麵包沾上湯汁超好吃的!🤤而後者鴨味香濃,非常入味呢😙Rossio整體食物質素非常不錯,環境舒適優美,重點是性價比極高,有機會會再到訪!🤩Rossio (盛事)地址: 澳門孫逸仙大馬路1101號澳門美高梅酒店地下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-05-26
港珠澳大橋自駕遊,今日去咗美高梅盛事食個午餐,環境及坐位之間空間舒適,服務員態度親切友善,值得一讃。點了簡簡單單幾樣東西,首先,餐前自家製麵包配自家製辣醬,辣醬鮮茄味濃,辣味輕輕,不太吃辣的也能接受,配新鮮麵包一絕。來一份馬介休炒薯,馬介休分量充足,薯仔加蛋炒得非常香甜,葡式烤鴨腿飯,賣相精美,非常有鴨味,葡式烤八爪魚馬鈴薯,八爪魚肉質淋滑,橄欖油香,最後,來一個葡式蛋撻,相對其他店舖,則較為失色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-11-24
見網上好評, 想試盛事很久了。這天經網站預約食午餐,比正價便宜。首先,拿食物的空間很寬闊。食物區間隔分明,擺盤精緻。取餐的食客不會被堆在一起。平均來說,食物種類多、味道都不錯。燒烤類尤其出色,最喜歡吃烤龍蝦,烤得剛剛好,配上調配過沙拉醬的,好香口,肉質彈牙,我一連吃了三隻。我的至愛-- 甜品,有很多選擇而且高質素。進餐當日還有魔術表演,小朋友至愛。各方面也蠻不錯的, 當然論性價比我還是覺得另外一些酒店餐廳會高一點點。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-11-22
環境舒適不會太迫。食物款式不是很多但已不算少,重點是每款食物都很好味和質素高,較少有的包括:帶子刺身、三文魚籽、gelato, 田雞腿等。牛油是很精緻的獨立包裝, 羊奶芝士非常好味。可能當晚食客不多,所以部分食物没有refill. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-10-28
I tried Rossio for the first time when visiting Macau on a weekday for lunch, the experience was amazing. I am usually reluctant to go to buffets due to the impersonal service that you may receive. Rossio proved the contrary. Luong (staff id 17112028) and Zhang (staff id 17125021) offered a wonderfully attentive and courteous service. Food quality was great, ranging from cold cuts to cheeses and freshly baked bread. Complimentary freshly squeezed juices, coffee and tea are a good add and an extra 100MOP for free flow wine and beer is a good deal. There is a good variety of international choices to choose from, in particular, Japanese sashimis and seafood. The table design is worth a five-star property, with real napkins provided and regular changing of plates. I particularly appreciated the way restaurant manager William Yuen handled one my feedback, demonstrating that he and his team really cared about feedbacks. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)