+853 88893663
Sichuan Moon embodies the essence of Sichuan cuisine in a refined and artful way. Whether the flavors are bold and spicy or light and delicate, the chefs at Sichuan Moon are refining the cuisine to bring out the purest flavors and textures through local and international ingredients. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 2 Starred Restaurant (2020-23), Asia's 50 Best Restaurants (2020)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay MPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Hot and Sour Soup Wood Roasted Meat in Unusual flavor Peppercorn Flavoured Duck Foie Gras and Mushrooms Royale Masterpiece Ma Po Tofu Secret Recipe - King Crab Leg Signature Pipacha
Review (4)
Level4 2023-07-04
疫後澳門非常熱鬧,盛放荷塘令人賞心悅目。永利大門轉左就見倒川江月了,由於只做晚餐所以比較難book 位,預早WhatsApp send menu ,其實只有兩個餐,價錢不同主要有幾款用上名貴嘅食材,我地就揀咗平啲嘅set ,每位2888葡幣加10%入門確認訂檯,之後職員會幫你保管行李, 會問點稱呼,態度服務認真高質,相比香港米芝蓮更勝一籌。入內大概十張圓檯,六人檯嘅大細其實只會坐兩個人,因為要預留空間職員介紹菜式。餐前茶喺bar 位品嘗,用上高山水,特別嘅炭沖泡嘅普洱花我未飲過,連聽都未聽過,職員廣東話幾好,笑容都好好👍前菜三款,係自己揀,太多,事隔兩個星期我都唔係好記得,一款係棕櫚樹,有一款係筍。和牛酥口感非常鬆脆,好岀色😍Menu 係用奏摺型式展示,好有氣派👑。餐前小食共八款,四層塔模樣上菜,好有心思,有夫妻肺片,淮山…當中蟲草花係炸過好香口,冰菜亦好開胃🤤。酸辣湯辣椒油係後加,我唔太食得辣,所以staff會減辣避風塘蟹蟹係用上日本🇯🇵蟹,我覺得避風塘做法雖然惹味,但浪費咗新鮮嘅食材。黑松露鹹蛋糍粑新派川菜用上名貴嘅食材。扇貝珍寶扇貝用酥皮圍邊,打開見唔倒原粒大扇貝,原來做了扇貝麵條,真係別岀心材😊,不過配上椒我就覺得唔太夾野菌鴨肝凍由於一共有廿四味菜,嚟到呢道已經好飽好heavy , 縱然中途有提供茶消滯。麻婆豆腐每一道菜都好精緻,用雀巢為概念嘅麻婆豆腐好美觀,不過太濃味。擔擔麵麵由壺原條拉岀令人意想不到。甜酸苦辣一粒軟糖,4種感受整體係一個好好嘅體驗,打破傳統川菜感覺,耳目一新💗,雖然服務好,但主要用普通話介紹部分我聽得唔係好明😅😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-05-25
朋友老闆級朋友請食飯又有食神一行九人嚟到永利皇宮色彩繽紛再入餐廳氣氛格調變得高級恬靜呢度有dress code 特別係男仕要留意吓短褲 拖鞋 冇䄂衫都❌但我唔明白點解戴帽都唔得?咁如果冇頭髮想帶頂帽遮下點算講返今晚嘅菜式 全部精心炮製 聽佢哋講今晚裏裏外外嘅客人都係食統一菜式 係特別搵師傅 但係平時應該可以單點菜式 ?而我不知道?我都影咗佢門口都係set 15個菜式都係$1888 好飽喎好似有機會一定返嚟再試多一次其他嘢食係咪都咁掂先因為食評好少只有兩篇但都係讚今晚只係得五款菜式 我唔知價當然上盛嘅材料真係唔同冇嘢係唔好味 仲個個冇食剩野第一道:係黑毛豬配蟹餅蟹餅真係脆卜卜皮包住啲蟹肉第二道 :上湯燴翅啲翅一條條好粗好滑環保關係平時香港絕少食 喺呢邊好破戒好邪惡咁食咗罪過罪過 第三度 :柚皮炆鵝掌佢呢個柚皮真係做得好好人生之中最好食嘅柚皮好柔嫩 係人都知道呢度菜好難做我只會出街先食花咗好多功夫而且有料嘅師傅先做到咁柔細第四度 :煎唔知斑定係龍躉好香口 魚好新鮮第五度:荷葉飯呢個好香不過已經好飽試咗一啖好味道節儉是一種美德而且仲係咁靚嘅食物就算食唔到都一定要打包跟住飲番杯茶就可以食甜品了😍今晚係食紅豆沙同埋燕窩菠蘿雪葩 平時唔多食凍嘢嘅我都忍唔住要食晒個雪葩 好好味呀~~仲有一督燕窩可以養顏❤️女士最愛骨膠原❤️仲有個綠茶榛子朱古力都係超級好味好彩得幾粒如果唔係肯定比我食鬼曬 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-10-25
我們一行五位女士,第一次來到澳門永利皇宮的川江月,這家朋友一直讚好的高級餐廳,一入到去,有格調的高級裝修令人眼前一亮,近門口的甜品閣有位美麗金髪的服務生,為大家介紹各類特色師傅製作的飯後糖果。之後帶位員領大家入座,由第一道菜的八小碟前菜開始,每一道菜都帶給大家驚喜,大廚用了許多高級日本食材,製作出有特色的精細川式口味,由四川入口的地道配料而成的精食菜色,實在太過感動!檯上一切精美的餐具🍴,看得愛不惜手。一班有禮的侍應,耐心為我們介唔每道菜式所用的特別食材,特別推介和牛麻婆豆腐,特色遼參,麻辣川味北海道蟹腳..還有超級出色好味的甜品..太滿足了!建議大家晚飯前不要吃下午茶,留肚去歎米芝連級的川菜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Wow and wow you can stop taking photo very beautiful restaurant good lighting and luxurious beauty interiors. Staff very knowledgeable about menu each course have the story make you more appreciated and enjoy the food .they have a la carte and set menu also the luxurious hot pot .set menu 26 course with beautiful tea . tea master with come to your table and make a very perfect tea for you.food serving style very attractive and enjoyable.all Plate and Chinaware very special very rare to see they all very special handmade .Might take you a bit long for set menu dining but for sure you will forget the time. After service the have the candy trolley you can enjoy . One of dining experience you must visit .reservation need seat very difficult to book and walk in . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)