+853 28473623
Opening Hours
08:00 - 20:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
下午茶時間要來一杯啡,就算再趕的Lunch time都約朋友食個精神的午食,放鬆一下上午緊張的心情,食個靚靚精緻午餐,下午再拼搏過!Terra 開左好多年,由龍嵩街店lunch time堂食、高士德外帶咖啡、黑沙環店放假tea time 到疫情期間叫外賣,幫襯左不少次,出品好穩定。食物有全日早午餐系列、讚岐烏冬、沙律、甜品、小食等選擇,咖啡選擇十分多,包括經典款、特調咖啡、手沖單品咖啡和冰滴咖啡都有。▼泡菜炸蝦辣炒烏冬 $83北歐風味 全日早午餐 $83Latte Hot $38CALICO CAT 三色貓 $49Dawn 日出 $49▼疫情期間叫外賣時🥡已經試過明太子雞叉燒讚岐烏冬,好好味😋 必須堂食現場再試啊,今次叫另一款辣烏冬 泡菜炸蝦辣炒烏冬 ,有韓式泡菜、辣醬免治豬、脆炸巴馬火腿和火箭菜,再配上炸蝦🍤和溫泉蛋。天婦羅蝦炸到酥脆香口,有三隻仲可以同朋友開心share,炒過既烏冬口感一樣彈牙煙韌,拌入溫泉蛋蛋汁,加上微酸辣的泡菜,每一條烏冬沾到醬汁,惹味開胃,唔係講笑食到微出汗🤣,推薦鐘意辣既朋友,真係幾正!.全日早午餐系列共五款今次試 北歐風味 ,主要係華夫吐司上鋪上煙三文魚、炒蛋和牛油果🥑,自己特別鐘意牛油果和煙三文魚既組合,一份其實算豐富,份量對女仔來講剛剛好。飲品方面飲最多係熱Latte和三色貓,「三色貓」咖啡特調係我最鍾意,由雙重特濃咖啡加橙汁調成,有時唔想飲齋啡既日子都會諗起佢~ 唔飲啡既朋友揀「日出」呢款特飲,用青檸、柚子果醬、薄荷葉加梳打調成,清爽解渴,大讚呢到出品比出面飲到的大杯😂。_ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-07-21
放假回港前嘆個快brunch星期日確實比平日來人好好彩得返bar枱一個位上次試左all day breakfast set今次試下sandwiches芝士雞胸三文治配杯flat white三文治同all day breakfast揀我下次都係會揀返all day breakfast三文治夾雞胸有小小鞋口同偏乾但尚算好食既 同份量夠大 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Enjoyed the meat lovers brunch & BLT omlette sandwich. Actually it was beyond my expectations. But a bit disappointed in the service. We arrived around 3PM. I asked if there was a coffee included in the meals or if there were any specials. The response I got was "If you want coffee, order it separately."  He said the special is only available before 2:30PM. Ok....After the meal, I was a in a good mood and decided to order cake & coffee. I asked another server who said there was a special combo for cake & coffee everyday at 3PM ( why was this not mentioned earlier when I asked??? )Despite the lack of service, the food and coffee is good, so I'll definitely come back but I'm hoping the service will improve. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-09-29
朋友係咖啡之人,諗住約個早餐聚,佢就介紹我黎呢間,我完全唔知寰宇天下樓下有間咁北歐風嘅cafe,入到去格調簡單,以白色同木為主,門口旁係調咖啡地方,台同椅都係木,朋友叫左個all day breakfast同咖啡,我就叫左個牛油果蟹肉toast,請教左店主咩茶好飲,跟著就拜託佢幫我叫杯清新嘅茶,牛油果蟹肉toast一上即刻吸引我地眼球,我地唔敢相信!!塊蛋可以咁大塊,炒得好靚,岩晒影相!蛋又滑又夠味,牛油果好新鮮,美中不足係食唔到有蟹肉,可能被牛油果同蛋嘅味道遮蓋左,個toast卜卜脆,正!朋友個all day breakfast我冇試到,但好大碟,而朋友係「愛啡之人」,相信杯咖啡不會太差,我杯茶一如所料,清新綠茶,有香味!埋單每人只係90-100蚊左右,食到好飽,又可以係咁舒服嘅環境傾左2個鐘計,對住得近嘅朋友黎講,絕對係食brunch之選! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)