The restaurants are located at both Hong Kong and Macau, and popular for its seafood and authentic Chinese dishes.
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Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2016-21)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
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Dinner at this restaurant in the Hotel Lisboa in Macau. This was an interesting meal, with a couple of dishes that I struggled a bit with, but overall I liked it and I think I can see why it is well regarded. The service was very attentive. We went on a public holiday, so I thought it would be busy, and I booked months in advance - but it was almost empty. This resulted in the main room having us and one other table, but wait staff standing around everywhere with nothing to do most of the time.Food:Steamed Whole Fresh Crab Claw with Winter Melon: Love the expert de-shelling, the tender and slightly sweet crab meat and the winter melon having the slightest resistance when biting into it. I'm not sure what the sauce consisted of, but it lent a slight richness to the dish. A definite highlight of the meal and my favourite of the two crab claws.Deep-fried Whole Fresh Crab Claw with Peppercorn Salt: This was good also, the crab was still tender and the batter is lighter than it appears, letting the crab flavour shine. The peppercorns gave it a nice little punch. Sautéed Garoupa Fillet with Broccoli: The fish was very moist and had good flavor, the vegetables were similarly well cooked. Relatively simple but a good way to present the fish and show off its quality.Sautéed Chicken with Onions in Black Bean Sauce in Casserole: I liked this dish, it's probably a bit closer to the Cantonese style I'm used to, but I thought it was well balanced and just generally tasty.Braised Pomelo Skin with Shrimp Roe: First dish we were presented with was undercooked, the waitress couldn't slice it. A second attempt came not too long after and this was better. This is one of the signature dishes of the restaurant, so I was excited to try it, but to be honest I struggled a bit with it - the shrimp roe was incredibly powerful and the texture was a bit too mushy. It was interesting but I don't think I'd order it again if I went back.Pan-fried Noodles with Fresh Crabmeat: This dish was fine, but not especially memorable; we probably should have ordered something else.
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吃過了香港上環的桃花源, 讚不絕口, 去到澳門, 要去它的葡京酒店分店走一趟.雖然今次只是吃午飯, 但絕不慳囊. 點了它的名菜:冬瓜蒸蟹拑、玻璃明蝦球 以及蟹肉炒飯. 這三碟都是我在香港吃了回味無窮的菜色. 可惜, 澳門的水準遠遠不及香港的一半.最令我失望的是冬瓜蒸蟹拑, 蟹拑比起我在香港吃的細了三分之一, 另外, 蟹拑不新鮮, 有“梅”的感覺.而玻璃明蝦球和蟹肉炒飯, 水準尚可.我很喜歡去澳門吃東西, 因為同樣的食物, 價錢比香港便宜. 可是澳門的桃花源不比香港便宜之餘, 味道卻差遠了, 令人失望!!
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媽媽生日飯~三個人食飯,酸薑皮蛋,那皮蛋不像一般買到或外邊吃到的,很純又很甘香。紅燒斑腩翅 - 裡邊沒有魚翅的,不過我們看菜單都隨便看,所以有誤會到,其實只要注意一下價格就應該猜到了喇,這其實是石斑的鰭翅部份,用紅燒的方法烹調,味道還不錯。一人份,而且是按件算,所以我們每人點一份,一份的份量也不小,所以吃完整件魚塊後我們幾個都已近半飽。因為桃花園小廚的螃蟹是蠻有名的,所以選了這個蟹肉燴竹笙,滿滿的都是生拆的螃蟹肉,十分香甜,而調味則比較清淡所以不會搶走蟹肉的鮮味。咕嚕肉十分有驚喜,因為選用的都是瘦肉,沒有骨頭吃起來就暢快,酸甜度也剛剛好,水準和華叔的不相上下呢~最後一道是上湯莧菜,菜嫩湯鮮,也就沒甚麼好挑剔的。價格是不便宜,但整體上算是愉快的用餐,食物有質素,環境舒適!
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