Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Cash WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
Level1 2019-10-31
早前去澳門時,在openrice找到這間餐廳,見到餐單頗吸引,而且地理位置也方便,位於十月初五街,很多巴士也去得到,便決定帶素食友人來這裡用餐。當日下午二時到達餐廳,店內客人不多,有一點悶焗,其後在點餐期間感到冷氣開大了,逐漸舒適。這次用餐點了2飲品2小食2主食Matcha Latte (s)$24友人飲品:好飲,幾balance(‐^▽^‐)青葡萄蘆薈果醋梳打$35酸酸甜甜,加入蘆薈粒,清爽墨西哥風味焗薯塊$40很美味的一道菜,我和友人都很喜歡,我們也覺得 馬鈴薯比紫薯口感更好,不過紫薯會多一份香甜。馬鈴薯口感軟糯,口感很好,味道咸甜咸甜再散發出香料、豆乳和芝士的香味,配搭互相輝映,性價比很高  (‐^▽^‐)芝士焗雜菇茄子卷$45開胃,淡淡的蕃茄酸味,雜菇爽口無渣濃香南瓜素奶油燉飯$78葉子味道像紫菜(ㆆᴗㆆ)  飯有一點點硬身,不夠煙韌,南瓜味比較淡    蕃茄雜蔬意大利麵$70葉子味道像紫菜(ㆆᴗㆆ)茄子很香軟,意面煮得剛好,彈牙。蕃茄醬汁酸度適中,雜蔬也不錯,但我們也很討厭粟米仔(ŏ_ŏ)而且粟米仔偏硬。(我不經意地呼出一口氣...香草擺盤全吹在我身上( ̄(エ) ̄)......)總結:這次用餐環境整體整潔,寧靜舒適。食物也滿意,價錢相宜。不錯不錯。(ˆ▽ˆ)難得同行友人也很滿意,值得再來。( ◠‿◠ ) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-08-21
話說琴日係澳門去大三巴附近找素,一路行一路諗住要食上次一試愛上嘅vegan crème brûlée,又要打包啲純素曲奇&朱古力香蕉冬甩...點知去到落晒閘😔原來店家逢星期一休息😅失望之餘,就立即行去附近嘅VEGA VEGA我行我素。有驚喜!佢哋居然都有純素堅果奶蓋奶茶,濃厚綿密的奶蓋上還灑上烤烘過的果仁,奶蓋跟茶香配搭得啱啱好,飲到一半,讓奶蓋隨隨落下與茶自然混成一起成為堅果奶茶😋 另外仲有泰式茶同抹茶選擇。另外點了焗釀大蘑菇&泡菜雜菌意粉👍🏼😋個焗釀大蘑菇買相好靚,我轉咗純素芝士,芝士味唔算濃,白色醬汁就夠濃夠多,大蘑菇仲有切碎咗嘅椰菜花,旁邊伴碟有香草茄汁(我就鍾意個白汁多啲),啱啱晒重口味嘅朋友😁泡菜意粉屬小辣,泡菜味中滲着些菇菌味,但不唔算十分突出,意粉份量足,一個人食可能無位食小食和甜品😜今次有啲趕,希望下次可以慢慢嘆埋甜品😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-03
「我行我素」是一家在澳門新開的西式素食店(蛋奶素),位於十月初五日街,很喜歡這街名,因為讓我想起「初哥哥」(一部經典香港電視劇男主角的名字),香港人應該都非常愛!店內裝潢走工業風,最近新開的店都走這種調子,蠻喜歡的,簡潔、小清新!首先點了一個青醬意大利麵,很快就被清盤了,不是因為很餓,是因為實在太...太..太好吃了,豆乳味很香,青醬很濃郁,搭配得非常好~南瓜燉飯雖看起來小小的,可是很有飽足感,南瓜是用日本南瓜,感覺挺新鮮的。滋味小食拼盤有炸薯條、炸洋蔥圈和炸杏鮑菇,最喜愛一定是杏鮑菇,很脆很有口感!小食有配兩款醬汁,其中一款是有蜂蜜的,大家要問清楚喔~最後還額外點了一個焗釀大蘑菇,雖然也算不錯,可是上面的純素芝士沒有和波特大蘑菇融為一體,吃起來沒有想像的好吃整體來說,「我行我素」算是蠻不錯的西式料理,而且環境很舒服,店員有講中文和英文的,如果店員能更了解食物裡所用的食材會更好喔~//青醬松子豆乳意大利麵 $68Soya Pesto Spaghetti with Pine nut濃香南瓜燉飯 $70Pumpkin Risotto滋味小食拼盤 配特調醬汁 $62Snacks Combo 焗釀大蘑菇(純素芝士)$48Stuffed and baked Portabello Mushroom//"VEGA VEGA" is a Western-style vegetarian restaurant which is newly opened in Macau. One more place to visit in Macau!The interior decoration of the restaurant is more like an industrial style. Simple and Fresh! I first ordered a Soya Pesto Spaghetti, which was quickly cleared up, not because I was very hungry, because it was too... too.. too delicious, the soymilk and the green sauce was very rich, and it was very well matched~Although the Pumpkin Risotto is small, it is full of satisfaction. The pumpkin is made of Japanese pumpkin and it feels very fresh. The Snacks Combo has French fries, fried onion rings and fried oyster mushrooms. My favorite one goes to fried oyster mushrooms, which is very crispy and tasteful! There are two kinds of sauces for the snacks combo, one of them has honey. You have to ask the staff~I ordered an extra dish - Stuffed and baked Portabello Mushroom, although it was not bad, but the vegan cheese above did not blend with the Portabello Mushroom, it was a bit different from what I expectedOn the whole, "VEGA VEGA" is a quite high quality Western Vegetarian Restaurant, and the environment is very comfortable. The staff members speak both Chinese and English. If the staff can understand the ingredients used in the food better, it will be more convenience to the customers~青醬松子豆乳意大利麵 $68Soya Pesto Spaghetti with Pine nut濃香南瓜燉飯 $70Pumpkin Risotto滋味小食拼盤 配特調醬汁 $62Snacks Combo 焗釀大蘑菇(純素芝士)$48Stuffed and baked Portabello Mushroom continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-02-26
喺香港過來找素,本身都諗住食返食開嗰幾間,估唔到經過十月初五街發現新開左間素食類似Cafe嘅餐廳,見新開諗住試下,結果都有驚喜嘅。佢地提供各種素食,基本都係純素為主,就算有啲有芝士都可以轉純素芝士,我就唔係好介意芝士所以冇轉到,叫左個瑪格莉特pizza,其實就係蕃茄味pizza😂但係都幾好食嘅,同埋個餅底有加左啲好似seed咁嘅野,感覺好似都幾健康。另外叫左個素xo醬意粉,佢地有啲野都幾有趣,有xo醬麵同腐乳pizza呢啲中西溝埋嘅野,不過本身麻麻地腐乳就冇試到,至於個意粉都幾香口,幾惹味,唔錯。店員都幾nice,都會細心問返食唔食蛋奶五辛咁。整體來講算中上嘅,for返本身中意食西式素,但對於香港已經泛濫嘅beyond meat感到有啲厭嘅朋友仔來講係幾清新嘅,值得一試👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)