三月初二‧大霧 喝完咖啡,本來也打算行回酒店的,但想起李康記,看看手錶,時正八時多,心想那邊的豆腐花正新鮮製起,不吃何待?就穿過爛鬼樓街,行不到幾分鐘來了這裡。 只見一板板的硬豆腐正擱在店外,等候送貨。店員也正忙碌的準備開舖,只見主理人在親手將豆腐花在大桶內一碗碗的撇出來。雖然知其未開舖,但面對新鮮豆腐花也很難抗拒,難得他們也沒所謂,就拿來一碗豆腐花來吃。 習慣是先不下任何東西,吃了兩口豆腐花試其味。新鮮的豆腐花是暖暖的,滑溜得沒話可說,真的是一放入口就滑入喉嚨的,沒有誇張。豆味欠奉,是豆子的品質問題吧,不過其滑溜的質地,可補此缺點。再下糖水及花奶,錦上添花而已,雖然是更香甜,我覺得淨吃反而更嚐其真味。 再來一杯豆漿,沒有怎樣下糖的,豆味較濃一點,也很不錯。 店主及店員也熱情好客,豆腐花5蚊一碗,豆漿4蚊一杯,便宜。 與其下午來吃雪凍了又或是熱了半天的豆花,我建議早上來,吃新鮮的,更滋味。
I'm not sure about that being the reason completely?
In some OR forum not too long ago that I hardly patron, SCY talked about and explained her understanding of 'tofu' with a run down of the preparation methods.
I still wasn't sure if it answered the 'totality' of the question completely and therefore asked more questions in good faith, unfortunately she mistook me for challenging her somehow in a sensitive way.
In reality, I don't even know the answer!
I just try to ask the right questions in life.
On a side note: Choi Lam says he likes here the best, followed by HK's 廖同合 as being best in HK. However, you and many say there is no bean's taste here. For me, I haven't tried this Macao shop, but I tried 廖同合 lately 3 times in 2 weeks and thought it at least had some bean's taste as well as fried bean's taste unlike Gung Wo Tong. However it being a little bit 'rough'. (no reviews written yet).
Seems like, in reality, everyone is inconsistent somehow with their judgments - even though its just one of the simplest food on earth. It makes me, distrust myself lately in Hongkong/Macao, as I don't know why opinions differ or there are contradictions. ^o^' (_