[1位用][日至四] 正宗地中海风味一人晚餐 [已连服务费]
赚分订座订餐赚1%$回赠 位于尖沙咀的” Mul Hayam Glatt Kosher Restaurant” 提供奢华的西式和地中海风味料理,菜式严守犹太教规,使用犹太洁食肉品,以最佳和最新鲜的食材进行烹制,带有独特中东风味,环境优美具异国风情,绝对是体验精致犹太餐饮文化和美食的理想选择。
订座预付优惠: $275.2享用 [1位用][日至四] 正宗地中海风味一人晚餐 [已连服务费] (价值: $305.8)
== 正宗地中海风味一人晚餐 ==
Each main course consists of one dish, plus Steamed Rice, Vietnamese Rice or French Fries as side dish.
Extra side dishes can be ordered at extra $28.
SET 1 :
Mazze Platter
Traditional BBQ Chicken in Skewers
SET 2 :
Israeli Salad/Season Salad with Cherry Tomato and Basil
Moroccan Chicken Cigars
Classic Chicken Schnitzel
SET 3 :
Season Salad with Cherry Tomato ,Basil and Nuts
Authentic Italian Style Salmon/
Italian Style Grilled Norwegian Salmon
2 Side Dish