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土瓜灣開心果法式布甸💚法式布甸稍早前掀起一股熱潮,不少麵包店推出不同味道的法式布甸。剛好路經此麵包店,一試其開心果法式布甸$26。布甸不是新鮮出爐,店員從保冷櫃中拿出。在沒有翻焗下,麵包稍硬帶咬勁,內餡十分滑溜,但嚐不出是開心果味🥲To Kwa Wan’s Pistachio French Pudding 💚French pudding has recently become a popular trend, with many bakeries introducing different flavors of French pudding. Happening to pass by this bakery, I decided to try their pistachio French pudding priced at $26. The pudding was not freshly baked and was taken out from the refrigerated display case by the staff. The pastry was slightly har
To Kwa Wan’s Pistachio French Pudding 💚
French pudding has recently become a popular trend, with many bakeries introducing different flavors of French pudding. Happening to pass by this bakery, I decided to try their pistachio French pudding priced at $26. The pudding was not freshly baked and was taken out from the refrigerated display case by the staff. The pastry was slightly hard with a bit of chewiness, and the filling was very smooth, but unfortunately, I couldn't taste the pistachio flavor 🥲