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🐰小編幾經波折先去到食呢間黃店嘅🍞🍞😭想知其他黃店bakery可以睇返foodxgoodwest_hk小編嘅 #黃店清單 呢間黃店有文宣、義賣捐款俾星火同罷市💛-1️⃣「抹茶醬麻糬貝果🥯💚($40)」超推薦!麻糬有咬口 貝果煙靭度up⬆️⬆️⬆️超重超有份量 重點係抹茶味濃到有回甘!入面仲有抹茶餡🍵!Matcha paste & mochi matcha bagel is highly recommended! The bagel is super chewy, so as the mochi! There is matcha paste inside to enrich the matcha flavour!-2️⃣「薑黃日本南瓜軟包🎃($35)」麵包咬落超級超級鬆軟 有淡淡薑黃香味🤤中間有大pat日本南瓜蓉🇯🇵夾唔夾就見仁見智 但略貴🤧The turmeric soft bun with Japanese pumpkin is soft and moist with a slight aroma of turmeric. The cp value is not as high as the ba
1️⃣「抹茶醬麻糬貝果🥯💚($40)」超推薦!麻糬有咬口 貝果煙靭度up⬆️⬆️⬆️超重超有份量 重點係抹茶味濃到有回甘!入面仲有抹茶餡🍵!Matcha paste & mochi matcha bagel is highly recommended! The bagel is super chewy, so as the mochi! There is matcha paste inside to enrich the matcha flavour!
2️⃣「薑黃日本南瓜軟包🎃($35)」麵包咬落超級超級鬆軟 有淡淡薑黃香味🤤中間有大pat日本南瓜蓉🇯🇵夾唔夾就見仁見智 但略貴🤧The turmeric soft bun with Japanese pumpkin is soft and moist with a slight aroma of turmeric. The cp value is not as high as the bagel.
3️⃣「Latte White☕️($35)」有淡淡咖啡香味拉花好靚 但唔算好值得試🙈👅 has a delicate latte arts but the taste is normal.
⚠️:每人最少要叫一樣食物或者飲品minimum charge per person is one item/ 包款個個星期會唔同this is the menu of this week only/ 唔好似小編咁 大家要check完時間日子先好去check the opening hour before you go!(last pic)🥴
💰:$35 - $75
📍:大圍積運街2-8號海福花園地下22號舖 Shop 22, G/F , Holford Garden, 2-8 Chik Wan Street Tai Wai
性價比CP value:🤤🤤🤤⚪️⚪️
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